Aries – 21 Mar to 20 Apr
Tarot Card - The Star
More than 70 percent of the planets are below the Horizon bringing important career changes this month. Aries’ Career Planet will move from Cancer to Leo which in many cases brings jobs connected with children (teachers, nannies). A lot of Aries representatives will go for artistic and creative careers. July brings pleasant, enjoyable and fun time at work for most Aries representatives.
Venus is close to Jupiter this month and brings good chances for love. Just like in June, love is close to home and it may happen in educational institutions, in class, seminars, at the library or in a bookshop. Aries should be observant, because their future partner is very close to them – they just need to keep their eyes and heart open.
Health is not bad at all, but it will get improved after July the 22nd. During the entire month stars suggest Aries representatives to rest and relax more. More attention needs to be paid to the heart. Also, mental health should not be neglected; Aries are advised to have fun and spent time doing things they truly love with people they love.
July brings stable finances; earnings and money flow are going well this month. Aries who are looking for new jobs need to be more cautious and do their research on the companies they have applied for a job.