Leo – 21 Jul to 21 Aug
Tarot Card - Seven of Swords
Mars is in Taurus in July, Leo’s career sign, and it will clash with Saturn and Neptune. Leos need to go with the flow even when they are irritated when others try to push their buttons. July brings wonderful opportunities for jobs; it seems now that jobs are seeking you and they will find you. Career becomes more and more frantic after the 28th.
July makes Leos irresistible, with Venus in Leo till July 13. They won’t have a problem to be charming and attract someone special or make their current partners feel as if they are in a fairy tale. New relationships may not go fast at first, and Leos are advised to be more patient. Venus enters Virgo on July 14 and turns retrograde July 27 before slipping back into Leo next month. This means that Leos should be patient and wait for their soul mate.
Leo’s Health Planet is in their own sign, so their health requires changes. July brings days when Leos will have to pay more attention to their heart – they will change their diet, will exercise and will do everything that is necessary to strengthen themselves up. Their spine, knees, teeth and skeleton are always important and it will be the same in July. In general, health and health regimes are important in July and this will continue in the next two years.
Leos need to be careful with their budget. With Venus turning retrograde in Virgo, Leo’s Second House of personal resources, may cause slow money flow and put them in debt. That’s why they need to be careful because very easily they can be in a big debt and won’t be sure when it happened. Major purchases and financial decisions need to be postponed until early October, when Venus will return to Virgo.