1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Seven of Wands
The Seven of Wands is a card that is always ready for battle. Like him, Aries have finally found their groove when it comes to work and are ready to tackle any obstacles that are coming their way. Luckily, there are less obstacles and more opportunities for you to take advantage of this month. However, don’t expect to find any shortcuts to success. Like the Seven of Wands, you must be prepared to be patient and perseverant in achieving your goals in your career. Good things will come to you if you keep working at it. All the tools are in place, now you must make use of them and keep pushing forward.
A New Moon enters your 5th house of romance and love from the 8th of this month onwards. There is a new perspective in love; Aries will likely start to slow down and want to take things more gradually. This is a harmonious month when it comes to your social life and the universe’s advice is to embrace the slow and steady pace. Aries may also be more eager to socialize this month as well and there will be many opportunities for you to make new friends or even rekindle old relationships. However, continue to remember that you need to take things slow and not attempt to rush relationships or dive into anything recklessly. Friendships will take precedent over romantic relationships this month.
Mercury makes its way into your 6th house of health and fitness from the 11th of this month onwards. Its strong mental energy combined with the persevering strong energy of the Seven of Wands, promises that this month will continue your streak of good health. Remember to take things easily and adjust according to your limits. There is no reason to rush to build up muscle or push yourself into a new workout on short notice. Instead, take things step by step and keep regular schedules to keep you on a productive path. This is an encouraging month for you overall and you should not waste it by ignoring these golden times.
The Seven of Wands indicates once more that there is no short cut to gaining wealth or increasing your finances. It is a card that speaks about preparation and perseverance. Money will most likely be earned through your usual conventional work outlets. You’re more likely to find success by focusing on your current work ventures over starting anything new. Be careful about getting taken in by short-lived trends. Do your research extensively and work towards building reliable foundations and branding over hoping onto new fads. This month will be productive for you if you follow these steps.
Lucky Dates: 9th, 17th, 18th, 25th
Lucky Colour: Orangey Red
2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups lays out a whole list of options for Taurians this month. It is a card that signifies that you may be struggling with where to focus your efforts this month. Though Taurians want to be productive in their career environments, this card implies you may have trouble keeping your attention on your work life. There is simply much more interesting things happening in your personal life that you draws you more. Don’t be too disheartened, this month will amplify your ability to create harmonious work environments and form new friendships amongst your colleagues. You may not see any hard physical results this month, but the progress you make in the environment at your career matters the most.
There is a New Moon in your 4th house of home and family from the 8th of this month onwards. Creating a strong draw and focal point in your home and social life. The domesticated Taurian is even more domesticated this month and you more than enjoy spending your time at home with your friends and family. Relations with relatives look to be improved this month and family members are more supportive and willing to learn about your hobbies or interests. Single Taurians likewise will have a higher chance to find people who click well with you this month. Just remember that you don’t need to be agitated to seek out this love. It will find its way to you.
Your home planet, Venus makes its way into your 6th house of health and fitness. As above, Taurians will feel most recharged this month at home, in the presence of their family and loved ones. Though your health is smooth sailing this month, the universe still encourages for you to take things slow and not push your limits too much. This is also a good time for Taurians to take vacations or step away from their work if possible. You may find yourself more energetic in committing to your hobbies and interests.
The Seven of Cups indicates that there are many different paths you can take with your finances this month, but the universe agrees that majority of your wealth will come from your family. This can be in the form of prosperity of a family member or because they are helping to financially support your own financial projects or ventures. They can also be a great source of advice this month, so you should keep yourself open-minded to their suggestions. Otherwise, money flows in easily this year, though you may have to wait longer for the big bonuses to come in. Be patient.
Lucky Dates: 2nd 11th, 20th, 28th
Lucky Colour: Emerald Green
3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun IX The Hermit
The Hermit card signals that Geminis may actually withdraw from their work this month. Career simply is not at the top of your priority list. Don’t be frustrated. Trying to force yourself to focus on your career more than your currently able to may result in more frustration and stress. Take a breath and understand that it is okay to take a step back and focus on other areas of your life. Taking a break can even be beneficial for you in the long run. Giving you time to recharge and reassess the path that you are taking forwards in your career. This pit stop will also be very important given the changes that may come to your work life next month.
Mercury makes its way into your 4th house of family and home from the 11th of this month onwards. Its intellectual energy combines harmoniously with the introspectiveness of the hermit card, signaling that most of your attention will be based in your home and family. Now is the time to start learning the ins and outs of your home life. Like the Hermit, learn to observe the people around you and study their quirks and interests. You may discover something new about a loved one or learn to read them better overall. The Hermit card also advises you to be patient with your loved ones this month.
The Hermit is a card often associated with the mind, meaning that the physical body may require more attention this month. Your health is more fragile this month and you will need to recognize your limits and not push yourself beyond them. Energy levels may be more depleted this month, so consider scheduling more or longer breaks for yourself. Your body is in a recovery period and needs ample time to shore up your energy reserves again. Take things slow and easily and avoid getting into conflicts. This can be a good month to focus on stimulating intellectual hobbies instead of physical ones.
Finances, like your career, will take a bit of a backseat this month as well. Even if there are any financial obstacles at this point, it is better to put them aside and focus on other areas. The solution will come to you with time. Be cautious against making reckless decisions with your wealth. It is easy to stumble into costly mistakes this month, but even harder to remain neutral. Take to heart the lessons that last month has taught you. Step back this month and gear yourself up mentally for the decisions that you can make next month when you are both in a better position and in a better state of mind.
Lucky Dates: 3rd, 13th, 22nd, 30th
Lucky Colour: Aged Grey
4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups is a sociable card that emphasizes the importance of networking and marketing. This is a good time to jump on researching the latest market trends and working on building contacts with those around you. Cancerians will be more willing to take risks and try new things this month as well, which can turn out very prosperous for you this month. Overall, this is a positive and fortunate time for you in your career and work life. Do not let opportunities slip you by and enjoy your work. Your passion is your greatest motivator and drive, ensuring that you achieve the best that you are capable of.
Mercury is in your 3rd house of communication and socialness from the 11th of this month onwards. Its witty nature combined with the natural sociability of the Nine of Cups and it’s desire for people, makes this month incredibly positive for making new friends or forming new relationships. This is an especially good time to rekindle relationships with relatives or family members. There is less opportunity for romantic flings, but Cancerians feel too much worry regarding it. You are more invested in feeling good about yourself and making the best decisions for you. Embrace the positivity of this month. It is your time to shine.
The Nine of Cups shines down upon you this month when it comes to your health and wellbeing. This is mostly because you are starting to feel good about yourself. Your confidence is slowly increasing leading to you having better levels of energy and being able to tackle issues more easily. For the most part, there is not too much to worry about your health this month. However, you need to be more cautious when it comes to making any drastic alterations to your current work out schedule or health regime. The universe is helping you build up your current routine and making sudden changes to that can disrupt the plan this month. Keep up positive habits and if you need to introduce new items, do so slowly and gradually.
There is a New Moon in your 2nd house of money and income. While you still see some positivity in your income and financial ventures, you should be cautious about increased expenditure on unnecessary resources. Like in work, researching market trends and learning about your customer expectations will be very important this month. The New Moon also advises Cancerians to trust their instinct more when it comes to making financial decisions. Your natural intuitiveness is strengthened and increased this month. Take full advantage of it.
Lucky Dates: 7th, 16th, 23rd, 24th
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Nine of Wands
A New Moon makes its way into your 1st house of self and attitude from the 8th of this month onwards. Combined with the tenacious energy of the Nine of Wands, Leos may look to reinvent themselves when it comes to their work this month. Last month was about forging bonds with your colleagues and networking, this month is about getting back to the basics and handling the more technical sides of work. You work towards building your foundation and shoring up your resources to ensure that you are prepared for any future obstacles. Spend this month ensuring you have all the basics down and know the ins and outs of your business as well as potential projects that you may be embarking on.
The Nine of Wands is a persistent and courageous card. No matter what obstacles come at you this month, you are willing to work through them with your loved ones. Luckily, there is unlikely to be anything major that will upset your relationships. However, romantic relationships may take more time to move forward this month. Things are slowing down and you have to adapt to this slower and more relaxed pace. Even the fiery Leo can learn to take a step back and enjoy the slower movement of everyday life. Do not try to rush ahead this month, tackle issues at a leisurely pace and do not try to be hasty when making choices.
The Nine of Wands is a card all about continuing to persist through to improve your surroundings and your own body. When it comes to health, Leos are encouraged to keep finding ways to better themselves and their immunity this month. However, this does not mean you should run around trying every fad diet that enters the market. Instead, slow down and reflect on your current health habits. Stress will be your biggest enemy this month, so make sure to make decisions carefully and relax when you can. There is no rush.
Your finances will continue on stably from last month. Leos will have to be more patient in order to see success and more bonuses. Mercury makes its way into your 2nd house of income and wealth from the 11th of this month, his studious and intellectual energy advises you to be more cautious about spending wealth. Budgeting and savings will be favored in this time and the universe will work to ensure you find this a prosperous month even while being thrifty. Do not be too worried, as next month will promise better wealth and even more prosperity.
Lucky Dates: 9th, 18th, 25th, 26th
Lucky Colour: Grassy Green
6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept 0 The Fool
Mercury enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 11th of this month onwards. The planet’s maturity and wit clashes with the refreshing and youthful energy of The Fool, meaning that this month, Virgos may experience significant changes at work. It may be slow to happen, but when you realize it, you will find yourself on a different journey than what you initially planned. Do not be nervous, these changes will likely be positive for you in the long run, but you must be patient and learn to adapt while they are happening. Entrepreneurs or Virgos working individually on a project may see the most success this month as you don’t need to manage a team or worry about others during the times of change.
Virgos will have to patient when it comes to romance this month. Like The Fool card, it feels like you are just starting out again. There is a fresh and youthful perspective towards your social life and many Virgos will be content to just enjoy the spoils of life rather than actively seek out a partner. Friends will come naturally, though many Virgos may favor being more independent this month. Like The Fool you must be careful of rushing ahead or making reckless decisions. Embrace the youthful energy, but remember to keep some maturity in judgement.
Health continues on a positive streak from last month. The Fool’s youthful energy helps to reinvigorate Virgos. Stress may be the biggest issue for you this month, as The Fool is also a bit of a careless card. You may not encounter any major obstacles, but small delays can slow you down and cause frustration. Once more, be optimistic and look on the bright side of life. Employ a glass half full outlook on things and you find that you have an easier time tackling whatever ails you. Otherwise, embrace the blessings this month has rewarded you with.
Venus moves into your 2nd house of income and money from the 16th of this month onwards. It’s earthy energy compliments Virgo’s own earth element; signaling that this will be a positive month for finances. Venus is a providing planet, so you will not have to go very far to find opportunities to make money or gather further income for yourself. This is an excellent month to focus on your finances and start any new financial ventures. Do not waste this rare and blessed opportunity that you have been given.
Lucky Dates: 2nd, 12th, 20th, 28th
Lucky Colour: Brownish Yellow
7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct King of Wands
Venus enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 16th of this month onwards. Its passionate and self-confident energy combined with the fieriness of the King of Wands, promises that August will be a time of independence. Libras are very compassionate signs, but this month, the universe urges you to prioritize yourself in your decisions at work. Work for yourself this month; whether it’d be to get yourself that raise you deserve or to buff out any workplace complaints that need addressing. Work to ensure you have a comfortable environment to work in and you will be able to concentrate much better and make even more progress in your career.
The King of Wands signals that Libras will also take chare of their own wants and desires in the coming month. It is time you learn to put yourself first rather than prioritizing the needs of others over your own. In order to achieve that, many Libras are encouraged to look inwards and reflect on what may be preventing you from following your dreams. Identify what baggage may be weighing you down and what steps you need to take to clear it. The universe blesses you with renewed confidence and better judgement to achieve that. Take advantage of this time.
You are feeling recharged after last month’s extended rest period. Health is much better this month, and your energy levels are at their peak. Libras may be more interest in spiritual pursuits this month, focusing on matters of the soul. Meditation is encouraged this month to help your mental and emotional health. Be careful about rushing into any new health trends or fads and do not be hasty in making decisions in regards to your health. While your health is good, you are still advised to take it easy and relax. Enjoy what this month has in store for you.
Finances are still recovering from last month’s reorganization. Luckily, the steps you have taken to change them for the better will also start to show this month. Though you will have to be patient as it may take some time for you to reap your rewards. There may be some big bonuses this month, though again, they will not come to you quickly. Be patient and wait for your hard work to pay off. Overall, this is still a positive month financially for you. Keep up good saving habits and try to consolidate your earnings this month so you have a proper assessment on your financial success.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 5th, 14th, 22nd
Lucky Colour: Ruby Red
8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Four of Swords
The Four of Swords is a meditative card that urges you to take a step back and look at everything from a new perspective. This introspective energy combined with the arrival of the New moon in your 10th house of career and work from the 8th of this month onwards. The universe encourages you to boost your knowledge and skills at this period. This is also a good time to assess what is lacking or what can be better improved in your workplace. This can come in both physical and intangible forms. From upgrading some of your equipment to mixing around your routine. The changes you make will have lasting positive effects on your work and career progress.
The Four of Swords continues the attitude from last month. Scorpios are still more likely to find love and socialization within the work place, at least until the middle of the month when Venus enters your 12th house of spirituality and healing from the 16th onwards. Venus’ natural romantic nature in this house, heightens Scorpios’ physical and emotional attractiveness. People are starting to realize what a catch you are, and romance can spring out of anywhere. Venus combined with the Four of Swords also encourages you to seek out spiritual activities; such as meditation or spiritual retreat workshops. Not only will this boost your soul, you may also form new connectons there.
While the Four of Swords is a mentally very energetic card, when it comes to your physical health, you may have to be a bit more cautious. This month is a bit of a reverse of last month, where your mental health is stronger than your physical health. Even then, there is not too much in the cards that may hamper your physical health. The universe only cautions you not to strain yourself too much or have too many bad habits this month. Also be cautious of stress as it can be your biggest enemy this month. Seek out meditative activities and you will have little to worry about with a proper outlet.
Finances start to calm down this month. While you are still making positive amounts of money, especially from modern day ventures, you are able to start enjoying spending some of it. Your social and familial areas are the strongest this month, so naturally most of your expenditure will be in these two areas. Luckily, you may also find success through your family and social life, often in the form of connections that you may share through your relations. Try to learn more about those in your life and see how they can help boost you this month.
Lucky Dates: 7th, 16th, 23rd, 24th
Lucky Colour: White
9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands is a card that is prepared to rush ahead and put all of yourself into your career and work. However, the cards here are actually cautioning you against that behavior. The fiery Sagittarius can easily become overwhelmed or obsessed with making things happen quicker at work like The Eight of Wands. Yet, you may end up missing valuable opportunities or neglecting your duties outside of work. The trick is to take a breath and slow down your roll. Don’t bite off more than you can chew and make sure you are also paying attention to other important areas of your life. Finding this proper compromise is the key to success.
Venus enters your 7th house of friends and community from the 16th of this month onwards. The passionate planet of love combined with the fiery forward nature of the Eight of Wands only serves to enhance Sagittarius’ natural confidence and wit. The Eight of Wands further advises that you pick a goal you would like to obtain this month; whether that’d be increasing the romance in your relationships or making more friends. Having something to focus on will lead you on a straightforward path towards your target this month. Take advantage of this blessed time and put yourself out there. You will be the life of any party.
This month continues to be prosperous for Sagittarians. Continuing from last month, your health is slowly starting to improve. You’re recovering some of your usual Sagittarian strength and stamina. However, you should still take caution this month as you haven’t yet entered your peak and this month will be more stressful due to the abundance of activities calling for your attention. Stress can target you in the most vulnerable areas, so ensure you have proper breaks and an outlet to release any burdens you may be forcing yourself to carry. If you can tackle this important aspect, the month will be smooth.
You may start to pay more attention towards your finances this month. Though you may still have to be patient. It can be a bit frustrating this month, as those around you may find success more quickly. You’re happy for them but may feel a bit left out. Do not let these frustrations get the better of you. Celebrate the good fortune of those around, especially those who may need your guidance and mentorship. Your own success is on the horizon, but will take time to manifest. You will likely see your wealth peak towards the end of the month.
Lucky Dates: 8th, 9th, 18th, 26th
Lucky Colour: Auburn Red
10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan XVII The Star
Venus enters your 10th house of career and work from the 16th of this month. It’s passionate energy may pull away some of your attention from work into other areas of your life. Work takes on a more emotionally invested motive for you. The Star encourages you not to let yourself be overwhelmed by the sudden change in direction that you may be facing. The Star card urges you to give equal attention to all areas; divide up your resources to nurture all that surrounds you. It may be a bit difficult at first but will pay dividends to you in the long run.
Venus moves into your 10th house of career and work from the 16th of this month. The planet of love indicates that Capricorns may find some romantic potential in the workplace or be attracted to people in positions of authority. Unfortunately, outside of that Capricorns are less invested in romance this month. The Star indicates that matters of spiritual pursuit will be prioritized this month. The celestial nature of the cards encourages Capricorns to explore their spirituality and consider meditation as a useful hobby to have this month. There is much to be gained from being more introspective and reflective about yourself from time to time.
The Star is a healing card, that emphasizes nurture of the soul and higher mind. This is why health for Capricorns this month look to be very positive. You continue the good streak from last month, only now you do not have to keep such a close eye on your energy levels. However, still keep up your good health habits. If possible, avoid invasive surgical procedures this month or jumping onto untested trends. Your health is best boosted using traditional simple proven health measures.
Finances continue to take a bit of a backburner this month. There are other areas of your life that you are more focused on. Consider taking on short-term financial ventures that you can finish quickly as your attention may not hold on them for long. Finances may take a bit of a dip this month, but you can rely on the support of your relatives and loved ones to keep you afloat. Be a little more thrifty with your budgeting and savings this month and you will be able to look forward to better finances in the future.
Lucky Dates: 2nd, 12th, 20th, 28th
Lucky Colour: Stary Yellow
11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Nine of Swords
Aquarians have a very active and wonderful imagination. However, the Nine of Swords sometimes signals that your imagination may turn against you into unfounded paranoia. Even small hiccups at work can send you into a panic, but know that these fears are completely irrational. The stars encourage you not to give into this fear. If you cannot turn inward, turn to the likes of coworkers, or authority figures to objectively measure your progress and success. Often, you will find that you have nothing to worry over and your careful detailed planning has led you to more success in the long run.
There’s a New Moon in your 7th house of relationships and sharing. Its presence ensures that Aquarians are more in touch with their emotions; both positive and negative. In order to avoid falling into less than pleasant dips, the Nine of Swords encourages you not to think too deeply about small issues. In fact, the stars encourage you to surround yourself with loving friends and family whenever possible. Keep yourself social and you will realize how wonderful your relationships with other people can become this month. This is a blessed time, but only if you can make the effort to connect to other people.
Health is still a little weak this month. Things will progressively get better throughout the month, but you don’t regain all your energy until early next month. The Nine of Swords signals that your biggest challenge will be stress. Luckily, stress is very easy to avoid if you remember to take breaks, form connections and give yourself outlets to vent and unload. Go with positive feelings and do not think too negatively or deeply about trivial issues. You may work yourself into a panic by simply thinking too much over something small. Meditation is encouraged this month.
Mercury is in your 8th house of shared finances and taxes. Its presence is a bit shaky in this house, while you may see prosperity in joint ventures or through your loved one’s own earnings and income, it is more stressful to earn yourself. Mercury is a slow planet, it takes its time and earns its keep after long term investments and patience. In order to cope with it’s presence, you must take on the same attitude. Research your financial ventures and utilize proper budgeting. Things will be much better in the long run.
Lucky Dates: 4th, 14th, 22nd, 31st
Lucky Colour: Pastel Blue
12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar XV The Devil
Pisces may be continuing to take a step back from work. You’re still not quite in the right mind set to start investing yourself in your career unless it is something that you are deeply invested in. For those who are still in the workplace, there is still some positivity to this month. The Devil grants you a Scorpio like magnetism and charm. There are many opportunities for you to form connections with people or create a strong support network for yourself this month. In this way, you can still find some pleasure and fun in your work. This will also help you build your foundation and reputation in the long run.
Romance thrives this month. The Devil is a curious card that blesses you with confidence, but also tempts you to indulge in yourself. Pisces will be able to meet a lot of new friends and even start new relationships this month. Attached Pisces will find that you converse much better with your partner when you’re in a crowd. Just be cautious as while this is an eye-opening and self-exploratory time, do not be too reckless. Make sure to think before you do anything dangerous. Otherwise, enjoy yourself in the thrill that is this month. Look forward to the romance and passion that August will bless you with.
Health is good this month. Pisces are very social creatures this month, as long as you have people you can speak to regularly and spend time with, your mental and emotional health will naturally thrive. When these two areas are healthy, your physical health will also follow suit. Avoid spending too much time in isolation or distancing yourself from others. We need relationships in our daily lives to ensure that we are able to find people to be ourselves around. It is a form of acceptance and affection. Embrace it.
People is really the theme of this month. Pisces who are in customer service or regularly work in groups or partnerships, will find yourself with improved success and income this month. The connections you form in August can also have a significant impact for your finances leading forward. So don’t be afraid to continuously network or pitch your ideas to others. You never know when a benefactor or mentor will appear to guide you to even greater heights of success.
Lucky Dates: 7th, 14th, 23rd, 24th
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue