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Astro Tarot Forecast for August 2022

Writer: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Eight of Cups


Last month may have been quite stressful for you, even if it was productive. Many Aries may choose to take a step back from work this month and the Eight of Cups encourages you to walk away from the stressors in your workplace. This is a good time to take a short break and focus on other areas of your life. For those that cannot take time off, it is still better for you to take on a lighter workload as you recover your strength and clear your mind. Be more meticulous and cautious going forward if doing so, as your mind may be prone to wandering and you may make some costly careless mistakes. Ensure you double check all your work and consult with your peers in order to make sure you have not missed anything, especially in legally binding contracts.


The planet of passion and romance enters your 5th house or romance and love from the 12th of this month onwards. Combined with the energy of the Eight of Cups, Aries must be prepared to give their all or nothing this month. If your pledge your support to your partner or children, then you must step up to the plate and be there in all aspects, else not promise that in the first place. In return for your efforts, the universe will work to ensure this is a harmonious and peaceful month. It is also important that you do not treat your relationships as a business matter to schedule accordingly, remember to prioritize your loved ones and treat them as people.


Mercury enters your 6th house of health and fitness from the 5th of this month onwards. Its wise energy combined with the Eight of Cup’s mentality to walk away from risky or ill-suited situations, advises Aries not to push themselves too far over their limits this month. This is a time to take things slower and to rest and recover from the all the energy you had to spend last month. The universe will aid you by ensuring that you are unlikely to fall ill or face any chronic symptoms this month. Though as always remember that will not help you if your purposefully put yourself in a risky or dangerous situation.


Money comes and money goes this month. The Eight of Cups signals that Aries may take a more hands off approach to their finances this month which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as you are focusing on your personal and social life more. While you are enjoying yourself, you should be aware that these areas may increase your expenditure this month. For the most part, you will be able to stay afloat and you will not regret having spent money to make wonderful memories for yourself. So, enjoy this month and look forward to future financially focused months.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 9th, 16th, 25th

Lucky Colour: Pale blue

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Five of Wands


The Five of Wands is a heated and competitive card which may not be the best thing for Taurians this month as there is a higher chance of clashing or coming into conflict with your supervisors or employers. Even entrepreneurs who work independently, should be careful when communicating to customers, partners or even competitors as being overly aggressive towards your goals may reflect poorly on you. Now may even be a good time for you to step away from work to focus on other areas of your life. Either way, it is best to keep your head down and focus on improving yourself before you seek out partnerships and deals.


Venus, your home planet and the planet of love and romance, enters your 4th house of home and family from the 12th of this month onwards. Taurians are heavily focused on their family and close loved ones this month, however, the Five of Wands signals that you may have a hard time focusing solely on them due to the hustle and bustle that is occurring in your home life. If you are not busy making changes to your home, you may find yourself accidentally clashing with your relatives. While it is important to stand your ground, remember to prioritize harmony over furthering any conflicts.


The Five of Wands signals that Taurians may be feeling a bit stressed or overly worried this month due to all the different stimulations and events that are occurring in your life. It is important to prioritize your health and learn to step away and take a break when you feel yourself coming close to your limits. This is a good time to pamper yourself mentally. The universe is also aiding you in ensuring that physically, you are unlikely to fall ill. Ensure to keep up good habits this month, eat a proper diet and make sure you get enough hours for sleep.


Finances may be one of the areas that stress Taurians out the most this month. Don’t feel too worried, it is natural to have periods where things seem a bit more difficult. The Five of Wands advises you to keep pushing forward. It is a good idea to start budgeting and keeping greater track of your expenditures or investments. Being thrifty now will pay off in the long run. Be cautious about any deals if they sound too good to be true. Take advantage of any good fortune now and remember to save for a rainy day.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 16th, 21st, 28th

Lucky Colour: Reddish Brown

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Three of Cups


The Three of Cups encourages you this month to actively form connections and build up your social network. Geminis can expect to receive a lot of support in their workplace this month, however, you must be careful about being too complacent or carefree, as you may be prone to careless mistakes at work. It is important you keep your communication lines open and be clear about your intentions or suggestions. This can be a fruitful month as long as you are a bit cautious moving forward, especially when it comes to legal documentations or contracts with partners or other companies. Avoid getting yourself tangled in legal loopholes.


Venus, the planet of love and romance, enters your 3rd house of communication and social interaction, from the 12th of this month onwards. Bolstered by the optimistic and friendly nature of the Three of cups, Geminis look to settle down comfortably with their family and friends this month regardless of what obstacles are thrown at you. While things are harmonious and fruitful for the most part, remember that Venus can be a turbulent and passionate planet, which can cause conflicts or misunderstandings, especially between you and the older generation. Be tactful and try to maintain harmony over all else.


The Three of Cups blesses you with good health this month. Geminis are practically glowing as they reach one of the high periods of their physical and emotional health. However, take some precaution as the Three of Cups, while youthful and energetic, can also be prone to carelessness or recklessness. Avoid risky situations and think twice before doing anything that can be potentially dangerous. While you may face some stress in the form of conflicts or arguments, use your wit and charming personality to smooth things over and maintain a peaceful period for yourself.


Your blessings and good fortune continue into your financial wealth this month. The Three of Cups continues to help you when it comes to making financial decisions and forming profitable partnerships or networks. Now is a good time to solidify your position, but as always, be careful of reckless or careless mistakes that can cause you a long-term headache. Double check your work and always ensure you understand a contract inside and out before you commit to it. Geminis can look forward to some small bonuses and windfalls dotted along this month.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 7th, 21st, 25th

Lucky Colour: Azure Blue

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Three of Cups


The Three of Cups encourages you this month to actively form connections and build up your social network. Geminis can expect to receive a lot of support in their workplace this month, however, you must be careful about being too complacent or carefree, as you may be prone to careless mistakes at work. It is important you keep your communication lines open and be clear about your intentions or suggestions. This can be a fruitful month as long as you are a bit cautious moving forward, especially when it comes to legal documentations or contracts with partners or other companies. Avoid getting yourself tangled in legal loopholes.


Venus, the planet of love and romance, enters your 3rd house of communication and social interaction, from the 12th of this month onwards. Bolstered by the optimistic and friendly nature of the Three of cups, Geminis look to settle down comfortably with their family and friends this month regardless of what obstacles are thrown at you. While things are harmonious and fruitful for the most part, remember that Venus can be a turbulent and passionate planet, which can cause conflicts or misunderstandings, especially between you and the older generation. Be tactful and try to maintain harmony over all else.


The Three of Cups blesses you with good health this month. Geminis are practically glowing as they reach one of the high periods of their physical and emotional health. However, take some precaution as the Three of Cups, while youthful and energetic, can also be prone to carelessness or recklessness. Avoid risky situations and think twice before doing anything that can be potentially dangerous. While you may face some stress in the form of conflicts or arguments, use your wit and charming personality to smooth things over and maintain a peaceful period for yourself.


Your blessings and good fortune continue into your financial wealth this month. The Three of Cups continues to help you when it comes to making financial decisions and forming profitable partnerships or networks. Now is a good time to solidify your position, but as always, be careful of reckless or careless mistakes that can cause you a long-term headache. Double check your work and always ensure you understand a contract inside and out before you commit to it. Geminis can look forward to some small bonuses and windfalls dotted along this month.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 7th, 21st, 25th

Lucky Colour: Azure Blue

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Nine of Pentacles


Leos continue their hard focus on their careers and work this month. The Nine of Pentacles promises a blessing of opportunities and extra responsibilities that you can take on to bolster your current position. However, be cautious of changing tides. In the long run, any issues resulting from sudden changes in your work place won’t affect you too heavily, but it can be jarring in the moment and you may need some time to regain your footing. This is a good time to tie up any loose ends or resolve any conflicts or terse negotiations with your business partners. Try not to drag any of these issues into future months as they may have deeper consequences in the long run if not taken care of now.


The romantic and passionate planet Venus makes its way into your 1st house of self and attitude from the 12th of this month onwards. Combined with the forward-looking energy of the Nine of Pentacles, Leos are taking their romances and social ties much more seriously this month. Attached Leos will consider their relationships and whether they it is worth pursuing in the long run. Loving couples may reach new milestones this month, while those with rocky relationships will find the strength to move onto newer and better things. Single Leos will also be in the market for more serious relationships, but may have to take some time to focus on themselves before they can meet new partners.


With the Nine of Pentacles firmly in your corner, you are feeling on top of your game this month. Your health is relatively stable and the universe is blessing you with the strength and energy to tackle all the obstacles and issues that come your way this month. Take advantage of this time to reach your goals and push your limits. At the same time, try to cut out any unhealthy habits and develop positive new ones. Keep an eye on your diet and ensure that you get a proper 7 hours of sleep every night to ensure that you are efficient and at your maximum productivity levels in the day time.


Mercury, the intellectual and wise planet, enters your 2nd house of money and income from the 5th of this month onwards. Its energy pairs well with the practical nature of the Nine of Pentacles. Many Leos are carefully considering their futures when they review their finances. You want to build a stable financial future for yourself and may start taking the steps to improve your financial situation and profitability. Start by clearing out any old debts and making sure your slate is free from any financial obligations that may hold you back. The issues you face may be difficult to work through, but get a head start on solving them and keep pushing through.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 16th, 21st, 28th

Lucky Colour: Golden Yellow

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept King of Pentacles


While last month was wild and exciting, things are starting to cement themselves more firmly this month. Virgos will have to start taking on the mantle of the King of Pentacles when it comes to their work. You will have more responsibilities and higher pressures to face up as this month throws you a variety of challenges to test your wits and perseverance in the work place. Like the King of Pentacles, you will also need to govern and manage those under you and make difficult decisions in order to make progress. While, this month is difficult, you will come out of it having proven yourself and set up your expectations for future months of success.


Mercury enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 5th of this month onwards. Its practical nature gels well with the maturity of the King of Pentacles. Many Virgos will be approaching their home and social life with a more discerning and practical perspective. This may involve household renovations, redecorating your living space or moving to some place new in order to better suit your needs. Attached Virgos may reach new milestones in their relationship, while single Virgos may focus on their homes and personal lives before they set about socializing. Either way, enjoy this month for what it will bring to you.


The King of Pentacles signals that your health will be heavily dependent on the state of your body this month. Those who are in the prime of their life will have no issues as long as they avoid risky and dangerous situations, while those who are older or have chronic conditions, will have to be a little more careful. Those who fall ill may need more time to recover from a simple illness, however, as long as you take caution, you should be able to avoid falling ill this month. Things will improve in the future, so just keep up any good health habits now and ensure that you do not overexert yourself.


Long term investments may start to pay out this month, but like the King of Pentacles in your career, you will have to work hard to face the financial challenges and obstacles that may be coming your way this month. The market is a bit unstable and you will have to deal with its various ups and downs. Virgos will have to keep on their toes this month, but you will not have to go through this alone and can count on the support from your friends and family this month in order to help see you through.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 11th, 16th, 26th

Lucky Colour: Vine Green

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct XIX The Sun


The Sun card shines brightly on your career and work life this month. There are many opportunities for you to form new connections and start new projects with the support of those around you. However, The Sun card cautions you to keep working under its light, as trying anything underhanded or taking questionable short cuts to achieve your goals will only undermine you in future. With great success, comes envy from your competitors and they will do what it takes to dig up dirt on you. So, remember to keep everything under the sun and do things the old-fashioned way with hard work and perseverance. That is how you will achieve your success.


The planet of passion and love, Venus, enters your 11th house of friends and social groups from the 12th of this month onwards. Its energy mingled with the brightness of The Sun promises that this will be a very intense month for Libras. Both your passions and conflict are enhanced, promising you prosperous moments of harmony and passionate conflicts. It is important that you learn to communicate with your loved ones and to prioritize what is truly important for you in life. Stay true to yourself and you will be able to overcome any issues that plague you this month. Enjoy the highs of this month and stay strong through the periods where you have to put in more effort to maintain harmony.


The Sun ensures that you are truly glowing this month. All the hard work you have put into taking care of your health and ensuring that you do not fall ill will truly pay off this month. People take note of your strength, good mentality and physical fitness this month, and you should know that you deserve all the praise you get. Even though this is one of your strong peaks, you should still try to take care of your health this month by getting enough sleep and keeping a clean diet. Enjoy your good fortunes this month.


While The Sun is shining on many areas of your life, it casts a bit of a shade when it comes to your finances. This is to be expected, as in order to fully stimulate and enjoy the other areas of your life, you will have to take on some extra expenses. It can be difficult to find financial support from others this month as well, as they are also going through their own financial journeys. Therefore, it is important you budget accordingly, however, avoid being stingy as often, the expenses you make will be worth it, even if you have to work a little bit harder next month to work off any debts.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 8th, 16th, 24th

Lucky Colour: Sunny Yellow

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Nine of Cups


The Nine of Cups promises that there is a wealth of opportunities flowing into your life this month. Many Scorpios may be starting new ventures or capitalizing on previous ideas that you couldn’t bring forward before. However, be weary of getting caught up in the daydream of success, as you will need to fully focus on achieving that success. There many issues and obstacles that come your way this month, but you can overcome them by standing your ground and showing why your ideas are worth pursuing to others. At the same time, remember not to be too aggressive in your stance, bringing people over to your side is far more effective.


Mercury enters your 11th house of friends and social groups from the 5th of this month onwards. Its practical and witty nature may clash somewhat with the emotional core of the Nine of Cups, however, this is actually the best of both worlds. Even as your relationships become more complicated, Mercury gives you the energy to see them through till the end and make the best decision for yourself. Do not worry about having to go through it all along though, as you can find some support from those around you. They will help you get through any tough times and you will be able to come out of this feeling lighter.


Scorpios have a bit of a strange relationship with their health this month. While most other signs would be advised to go on a vacation and enjoy themselves during the summer months, Scorpios will find more benefits in keeping themselves busy. While this can be very stimulating for your mind, you should still remember to take more breaks and spend time away from the work desk every now and then. Keep an eye on your health and remember to step away when things get too overwhelming.


The Nine of Cups promises that this is a good month for your finances. All the hard work and effort you put in your career will pay off for you and you can expect some small windfalls or bonuses this month. There is even a likelihood for a promotion, so you should work towards ensuring your success is seen in both your work ethic and the numbers you manage to pull in for the company. This is a prosperous time, so make sure that you do not squander it.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 8th, 17th, 21st

Lucky Colour: Azure Blue

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Knight of Pentacles


Like the Knight of Pentacles, Sagittarians are taking on their fair share of responsibilities this month when it comes to their work and career. Mercury also enters your 10th house of career and long term goals from the 5th of this month, this planet aids you in seeing the clear path towards success and accomplishment. However, you must be careful as you can accidentally veer towards being too bossy or controlling when it comes to managing their subordinates or working in a team. Conflicts or blowouts due to internal disagreements are more likely this month, so it is better if Sagittarians err on the side of harmony and work towards reaching compromises. While you can’t always make everyone happy, you should still strive to ensuring no one’s ideas are neglected.


The Knight of Pentacles is a card that pays more attention to their relationships and personal life this month. Sagittarians will find that all areas of their personal life are enhanced this month. Those who are already at harmony with their loved ones will find this to be a blissful period where you are truly king of your household. However, those who face conflicts may find that these issues are amplified this month and you will have to deal with a lot of damage control. The best solution is to try and address issues before they arise and cause conflict. Resolve any conflicts before they occur and you will be able to enjoy this month to its fullest.


The Knight of Pentacles is a strong and sturdy card, that promises Sagittarians that they have little to worry about when it comes to their physical wellbeing this month. However, you should be cautious when travelling or getting into risky situations as sometimes, the Knight of Pentacles can see the trees for the forest and end up being rather careless which can lead to minor accidents. While a minor bruise or cut is often not serious in the long run, it can still put a damper on your day and in more serious situations, it can harm your health in the long run. So, don’t be afraid to take a bit more precaution in your day-to-day life.


Money and finances take a backseat this month. There is nothing major in the cards for you, but the Knight of Pentacles promises that you will be able to keep afloat this month and maintain a stable income. There are some small bonuses you can expect this month, but they will be delightful surprises rather than big windfalls, so don’t hold any expectations for them. Enjoy the other areas of your life and relax from having to sort out your finances too much. Next month, you will have much more activity in this area.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 7th, 11th, 21st

Lucky Colour: Grassy Green

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Knight of Pentacles


Like the Knight of Pentacles, Sagittarians are taking on their fair share of responsibilities this month when it comes to their work and career. Mercury also enters your 10th house of career and long term goals from the 5th of this month, this planet aids you in seeing the clear path towards success and accomplishment. However, you must be careful as you can accidentally veer towards being too bossy or controlling when it comes to managing their subordinates or working in a team. Conflicts or blowouts due to internal disagreements are more likely this month, so it is better if Sagittarians err on the side of harmony and work towards reaching compromises. While you can’t always make everyone happy, you should still strive to ensuring no one’s ideas are neglected.


The Knight of Pentacles is a card that pays more attention to their relationships and personal life this month. Sagittarians will find that all areas of their personal life are enhanced this month. Those who are already at harmony with their loved ones will find this to be a blissful period where you are truly king of your household. However, those who face conflicts may find that these issues are amplified this month and you will have to deal with a lot of damage control. The best solution is to try and address issues before they arise and cause conflict. Resolve any conflicts before they occur and you will be able to enjoy this month to its fullest.


The Knight of Pentacles is a strong and sturdy card, that promises Sagittarians that they have little to worry about when it comes to their physical wellbeing this month. However, you should be cautious when travelling or getting into risky situations as sometimes, the Knight of Pentacles can see the trees for the forest and end up being rather careless which can lead to minor accidents. While a minor bruise or cut is often not serious in the long run, it can still put a damper on your day and in more serious situations, it can harm your health in the long run. So, don’t be afraid to take a bit more precaution in your day-to-day life.


Money and finances take a backseat this month. There is nothing major in the cards for you, but the Knight of Pentacles promises that you will be able to keep afloat this month and maintain a stable income. There are some small bonuses you can expect this month, but they will be delightful surprises rather than big windfalls, so don’t hold any expectations for them. Enjoy the other areas of your life and relax from having to sort out your finances too much. Next month, you will have much more activity in this area.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 7th, 11th, 21st

Lucky Colour: Grassy Green

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Eight of Swords


Capricorns might feel quite trapped this month. The Eight of Swords signals that you may feel that progress is being halted at every turn or that your decisions are not panning out the way you want them too. Things may get more complicated, especially with your connections and negotiations after Mercury goes into retrograde from the 10th of the month. Stop, take a deep breath and then be extra vigilant and attentive when it comes to your work. Use that brilliant mind of yours to identify issues before they become real problems. Avoid becoming paranoid, but be analytical and make sure that everyone in your team is also pulling their weight. Your efforts will eventually pay off.


There is a bit of tension in your home life this month. The Eight of Swords signals that you may feel you are walking on eggshells this month. It is easy to get into arguments, especially since Capricorns may be more preoccupied with sorting out issues at work this month. You cannot help that you are busy, so should be open and honest about your time. Do not make false promises and learn to compromise where you can. Know when you should prioritize your family. While you are working to give them a better life, remember that there is nothing more valuable than the time you can spend with them.


The Eight of Swords signals that Capricorns may going through some mental strain this month. This largely comes from the feeling of being cornered, either in your workplace or in your relationships. Take a breath, often times there is a way out that you are not seeing because you are allowing your mind to become too clouded. Don’t be afraid to take breaks or stop thinking about an issue temporarily to focus on taking care of yourself. Remember that your mental and emotional health can affect your physical health, so it is not a bad idea to relax every now and then. This tumultuous period will eventually pass so do not be worried.


Capricorns have been keeping up on making sure that their financial projects are up to date and that your finances stay in the green. Your thriftiness and good business sense will pay off this month as you find yourself spared from the usual financial losses that other signs may face this month. Keep your chin up and keep up your good financial habits. While you may not see much profit overall this month, be grateful that you have remained afloat and look forward to the good fortune and blessings that will come your way in the following months.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 8th, 21st, 30th

Lucky Colour: Sunny Orange

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Three of Swords


Last month’s good luck lingers a little into the first week of August, granting you some more time to build up your network and strengthen your connections to solidify your position in your work and career. In the second third of the month though, the energy of the Three of Swords may become more prominent and Aquarians will have to be a bit more guarded against their competitors and rivals. It is important you keep your cards close to your chest and try to keep everything above board so that it is harder for others to dig up dirt on you. Be cautious moving forward and this month you will be able to make a lot of progress.


The passionate and love focused planet, Venus, moves into your 7th house of relationships and contracts from the 5th of this month onwards. Its intense energy combined with the guarded advice of the Three of Swords signals that this month will be full of ups and downs. While harmonious couples will find their relationships strengthened by hardships, Aquarians may still have to guard challenges or obstacles that may appear close to home. Learn to recognize who is supporting you, they will be your strength and life ring to keep you afloat this month. Enjoy the moments where you can relax and spend time with your loved ones.


The Three of Swords affects you more mentally this month, but luckily, your physical health is on the rise this month. This will be true for all Aquarians save for those with long term ailments or chronic symptoms such as asthma or muscle aches. You may have to take a bit more caution as these ailments may pop up more frequently this month. Do regular exercise, take any medication regularly and always remember not to aggravate any pains you might have. Taking these simple steps will ensure you an easy going and healthy month.


Your finances will slow down and take more of a back seat to other areas of your life this month. Aquarians can still aid themselves by budgeting accordingly and keeping track of their expenses, but there is unlikely to be anything major or unpredictable that comes your way this month so relax. Even though you might not be able to expect any major bonuses or windfalls this month, you can rest assured in the knowledge that your finances are going to be relatively stable without you having to be too hands on or intervene too much.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 16th, 24th, 25th

Lucky Colour: Clean Silver

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Four of Swords


Pisces are still quite busy this month. A lot of projects from last month have lingered over to this month and require your attention still. The Four of Swords, however, cautions that you should progress forward carefully and be patient with achieving your goals. Legal issues will be your biggest obstacle, so make sure that you follow all contracts properly and that you are not taking any underhanded shortcuts to reach your goals or ambitions faster. Though it may take you more time to find your success, you should understand that taking things slow and steady will lead to greater success and less issues to deal with in the long run.


Mercury arrives in your 7th house of relationships and contracts from the 5th of this month onwards. The practical and mature energy of the planet may come into some conflict with the paranoid energy of the Four of Swords. While many Pisceans are focusing on household improvements or bettering living spaces for their family, they may risk alienating their loved ones if they don’t involve them. You will need to learn to keep communication lines open and be honest as you search for a compromise with your family or friends. Strive for harmony.


The Four of Swords recommends that you take things easy this month. It is a card that prioritizes rest and mediation, especially this month where you may not be at the peak of your energy levels. Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself this month or take some time off for sake of your mental and physical health. It is especially important that you get enough sleep as without it, you can be careless and prone to making mistakes that may cost you in the long run. This month is also a prime time for more accidents to occur, so take extra caution in all that you do and avoid getting yourself into risky situations. Avoid impulsive actions.


Your finances continue to pick up from last month. Pisceans can look forward to some small bonuses dotted throughout the month. The market is relatively stable and you will not have to worry too much about overall expenditure, however, you may see some small increases in expenses towards improving your household, moving or renovating. These will be minor and expected so you do not have to worry about them affecting your financial wellbeing overall. Enjoy this prosperous time and ensure you put aside some savings for future rainy days.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 8th, 16th, 24th

Lucky Colour: Rusty Gold



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