1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups advises you to pay attention to the people around you, they are the keys to whether you can stay on top. This is the time to start surrounding yourself with capable and trustworthy people in order to create the team that you will move forward with. Workplace partnerships and relationships will start to unveil their true nature this month. Be cautious as there may be people trying to trick or take advantage of you. You will have to act as the leader and make decisions about what may need to change. Act like the Queen of Cups and ensure that harmony is maintained in the workplace.
The energy of the Queen of Cups seeps into your social life this month. Through February, you may find yourself swinging between comfort and a longing for more in your life. Single Aries may find themselves dating casually instead of looking for long term commitment. While attached Aries should proceed with more cautious. A month of romance, it can be tempting to seek out something more exciting or adventurous in the moment. However, remember that you already have what most people are looking for. Take a step back and look at the people who are currently in your life, it will help you sort through any conflicts present at this time as well.
Aries continues into the year with an endless amount of energy. However, be cautious as this month’s watery energy seeks to ground your flame a little bit. This is not a bad thing as everyone’s energy is bound to go through low and high periods. Simply enjoy the good health and fortune that blesses you for most of this month, but then take precaution when you feel yourself starting to slow down. Acknowledge your limits and ensure you take plenty of breaks and get at least 7 hours of sleep at night. It will help you prepare for what’s to come next month.
In terms of career, you have not yet hit your windfall. Outside ventures may bring in some extra income, but this month is mostly stagnant and uninteresting in terms of finances. While there may not be much in terms of successes, be content that problems or conflicts with money are also unlikely to crop up. Take this time to focus on other areas of your life, there will be plenty to be busy with later on. For now, divide up your energy wisely and do not make any hasty investments or financial decisions as of yet.
Lucky Dates: 9th, 10th, 17th, 18th
Lucky Color: Yellow Daisy

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Four of Swords
February starts off well for the ever patient Taurus, however, the Four of Sword’s energy soon seems to make things stagnate. Your well planned out plans and carefully crafted ideas seem to be facing a few delays and setbacks. While there is nothing truly big stopping you, these small obstacles are still frustrating. If they are in the form of people, Taurus may feel extra frustrated. Don’t worry though, help may come from the most unexpected places. However, Taurus must be the one to seek it out and smooth over the conflicts that may arise this month. Take charge and go through everything with your usual methodical nature and you will succeed.
The Four of Swords may make you feel that this month is just as stagnant and dry in terms of socializing prospects. Conflicts between loved ones may arise and children may start to behave more rebelliously. Taurus may feel as if they are not receiving enough affection. However, if you take some time to meditate on it, you may realize that you are surrounded by more love and care than you first realized. This period is just another test of wills and whether relationships can handle the conflicts that naturally arise. It is important Taurians do not forget how loved they are and that they need to show this same love back to others.
While internally there may be some conflicts and obstacles for Taurus to overcome mentally and emotionally, physically, Taurians are blessed with excellent health and energy. Now is a good time for you to get out and start getting into an exercise routine. Don’t be afraid to get started on your health goals if you haven’t already. You will be able to start following them with a good burst of energy. Otherwise, just enjoy this time of good health and take measures to continue to protect and further it along.
Finances actually take a bit of a back seat to other areas of your life, taking less priority than your health and other prospects. However, finances will actually receive a small boon this month. Taurians will be happy to know that they can start solidifying their financial foundations this month. Be it in the form of shoring up your savings or getting rid of any old debts or expenses that you may have owed previously. It is not a huge windfall, but it is a solid start and you should look forward to and start planning for the future.
Lucky Dates: 11th, 12th, 24th, 25th,
Lucky Color: Light Grey

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Six of Pentacles
Mercury moves backwards during this month. While not immediate, it’s effects will start to show in the delays or obstacles that start to crop up in your work or career. Past loose ends may come undone and require your attention. This may frustrate you as you may have felt ready to start moving forward instead of spending time on older projects. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot focus your energy on both. The Six of Pentacles advises that you do not be afraid to seek out help or advice from your benefactors or those who are more experienced or in a higher position. It will help make this month overall, a little easier.
The Six of Pentacles encourages Gemini to be unafraid of reaching out to people, be it their family or when they are outside socializing with someone new. There are many opportunities to cement your bonds with your loved ones or find new acquaintances and friends this month. However, Gemini may have to mix their social and work lives together to an extent. As Mercury moves backwards, you may not have enough time to focus on any one area of your life. Therefore, learn to spread yourself evenly and remember not to be afraid to ask for help, even from your friends and family.
Thankfully, Gemini is still brimming with energy and strength. It feels like someone may have even added more fuel to the fire in order to make sure that you have enough energy to get through this month. However, don’t neglect your mental and emotional health just because you are physically fine. This month may prove to be a bit stressful, so ensure that you take proper breaks and make time for your own hobbies and interests. Scheduling a trip overseas, even if it is for business, can be great for helping to restore your mental health. Make sure you have at least a few days off to yourself or with just your friends.
Once more, the Six of Pentacles advices that most of your wealth or income will come through the help of others. Be it your friends, family or business partners, forming business ties or going into an investment with someone else can aid you. Family may also be willing to aid you in paying off your debts if you are in need of support. Otherwise, there is little to be worried about when it comes to money or finance. You can rest easy knowing that there are unlikely to be conflicts or obstacles when it comes to your earnings.
Lucky Dates: 12th, 14th, 23rd, 25th
Lucky Color: Deep Orange

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul 0 The Fool
The Fool lends its energy to all Cancerians this month, allowing them to head into February with an open mind. You are brimming with creativity and a bounty of new ideas. However, The Fool must still be cautious about where they step. While you will find support and encouragement for your ideas, there is much more discussion and time needed to be spent on the practical side of any project. Learn to come down from the clouds and take into account the logistical concerns of your career. Read over any new contracts carefully and always be mindful of what laws are in place that could affect how you should proceed with things.
The Fool blesses couples in February. Not only is it a month of romance for young love, it is also a time where Cancerians may reflect back on all the positives in their relationships. Both single and attached Cancerians will find much warmth and affection in their relationships this month. Internally, Cancerians have found their comfort zone when it comes to socializing. You are beginning to understand your own feelings better. Allowing you to socialize more readily with people without letting yourself become too overwhelmed or influenced by them. Relax during this month, you have earned all this good fortune.
You are advised to take it easy this month. Things are taking on a more relaxed and easier going pace and you should follow suit. Most Cancerians will be more than happy to just dig their heels in and go with the flow. However, the energy of The Fool is always present. You may just find yourself jumping up from bed in the middle of the night, ready to take on some new adventure. Once more, just go with the flow. Listen to your body, it will tell you what your limits are and how far you should push yourself. Take extra caution when on the road or operating machinery as you can be careless.
Not much is in the cards when it comes to finances and money. Generally, things are still quite smooth sailing. There may be some small windfalls this month; pleasant surprises that could help you clear up some old loans or debts. The most important thing to watch out for here is carelessness. Avoid jumping too hastily into any investments without proper research. Ensure you read through financial contracts carefully and get a second opinion from those you trust or are more experienced.
Lucky Dates: 11th, 12th, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: Sunny Yellow

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug XII The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man advises Leo to start looking at things from a different point of view and ensure that you can see everything from every angle. What make look like a good and rich opportunity on the surface may turn out to be more tricky to execute. Leos should be aware of the different guidelines and general laws that may affect the kind of work they can take on. The Hanged Man’s energy also suggests that February will be a bit of a slow month. Expect delays in your work, but don’t let it hold you down forever. Keep on trucking ahead and you will get what you deserve for all your perseverance.
Leos want to break the mold of conventional romance this month. While you may be plagued by domestic and familial conflicts that you can’t escape, most Leos will still seek out something out of their normal routine. Single Leos may find love springing out of the most unexpected of places. While attached Leos may look to rekindle old friendships or partnerships with people from their past. You have a new idea on what the people around you want out of you and now you are better equipped to meet both their and your own needs. Open and honest communication is the most important this month to avoid falling into unneeded conflicts or misunderstandings.
Be careful about how thin you spread yourself this month. This is a time where Leo should hunker down and pay extra care to their health. You may find that you do not have as much energy to pour all of yourself into one single project or area. Leos who suffer from chronic ailments such as asthma, muscle pain or bone aches may experience a flare up in February. Don’t be afraid to visit the doctor for a checkup if you feel it is warranted. Otherwise, always take plenty of rest to help nurture the fire inside of you. Learn to take it easy and not stress yourself over small or trivial things.
Money starts to stabilize this month, however, Leos must still be cautious when it comes to investments, betting or gambling. Avoid being hasty in committing yourself to any new financial venture without first doing the proper research. Loans are luckily favored this month, especially when it comes to clearing up old debts. However, you must still be cautious about how you choose to rearrange and organize your finances. Remember to move forward slowly. Now is not the time to rush ahead. Leo’s most important asset here is their intelligence.
Lucky Dates: 15th, 16th, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: Pale Grey

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Ace of Swords
Virgo must strike quickly and swiftly this month with the energy of the Ace of Swords. Be confident about your ideas and don’t let people stop you. New business relationships are especially favored this month, especially those that come from overseas or long-distance. Remember that the blade of the Sword is double edged though, so ensure that your plans are always backed up with good support and research. Remember not to take your logical and practical strengths for granted. They will come in handy now more than ever. Always ensure you have solid ground to stand on and do not be too hasty or sharp with your tongue.
Overseas vacations or short trips with loved ones are favored this month. If you can afford it, take some time off to spend with loved ones. Virgos may choose to take charge in the relationship this month, but you are doing so for the sake of your family. Their happiness is still your top priority and they understand and trust you with that. Some minor conflicts may crop up if you are too dominating, so learn to compromise where is possible. Single Virgos will be more conscious in searching for a partner. You will be able to understand what you are looking for in someone and use that to your advantage.
The Ace of Swords blesses you with a bounty of energy this month. You feel energized, not only in body, but also in mind. Virgos may feel the need to treat and pamper themselves this month as well. Don’t be afraid to take some time off to do so. You deserve it after all the hard work that you’ve put into improving your health and other areas of your life. It can be a good bonding activity with those around you as well, so try to clear out your schedule when possible. Take advantage of this comfortable downtime, next month will be much busier. Keep up any good habits you picked up from last month.
Finances are not as bountiful this month, but they promise not to be too bad. Money will still flow in regularly, but Virgos may need to rearrange and reorganize some of their finances to ensure that. Once more, proceed forward confidently and positively, with the energy of the Ace of Swords. Expect some small windfalls throughout the month, but don’t take them for granted or expect that they can pay for all your expenses. Keep your chin up and you will be able to make it through this month easily.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 11th, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: White Silver

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Ace of Cups
Things feel like they have reset to the beginning, but for the better. You are starting off at a new steppingstone in your career. With the energy of the Ace of Cups, Libras are prepared to form new partnerships and cement their current business relations. The Ace of Cups is a young card though, so this progression will take time. Be patient and work through it slowly. Listen to your instinct, it will rarely lead you astray this month. However, with the reset, you may find that you need to reorganize your work loads and organizational structure again. Focus on setting up your foundations once more.
The Ace of Cups’ energy flows strongly into Libra’s love life this month. You feel like you’ve hit a new milestone in terms of your relationships and now you are ready to keep moving forward. This is a time where you may need to rebuild some old relationships that have fallen by the wayside previously. Concentrate on reaffirming your affection for your loved ones. Conflicts and arguments are likely this month, however, it will all be from a place of affection and care. Learn to come together and talk honestly with your loved ones after any periods of conflict. Consider renovating the household this month.
Libra feels refreshed this month. It is as if you have taken a long cool drink from the fountain of youth. However, do not overestimate yourself this month. You have enough energy and drive to achieve all that you have set of for you, but do not push yourself further than that. Right now, this is the burst of energy that you need to propel yourself forward. You will find that your energy starts to mellow out eventually and you will settle into a proper routine. Till then, take advantage of your initial boost and make the most of it while you can.
Now is the time to step back and revaluate everything. You may think that you understand the market and the financial atmosphere around you, but it is always good to go for a refresher course. The market is always changing, and you will need to learn to adapt and be aware of the new environment. In terms of finance, there is not much in the cards this month. You may find some small windfall if you invest in real estate, but otherwise, this is a stable month.
Lucky Dates: 8th, 9th, 17th, 18th
Lucky Color: Pale Blue

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov Four of Cups
The Four of Cups brings a bit of a mixed energy this month. While Scorpios will finally stop pondering and start embarking on their ideas and projects, there may still be some delays and obstacles. Don’t be hasty, you must act patiently and learn to persevere. Do not give up on your goals but learn that things will take time to carry out. Otherwise, this is a bit of a stagnant month for progress in your work environment. While there is no quick winning this month, there is also unlikely to be any serious conflicts or problems that crop up in the workplace. Just hunker down and keep moving forward slowly.
Scorpios need to be careful not to spend all their attention at work instead of their family and loved ones. Luckily, this month heavily encourages family bonding time or family projects. Working on something together can help greatly strength your bonds. Single Scorpios can also consider attending workshops or group related activities this month. Your family will be extra supporting of both your business and romantic ventures this month. The Four of Cups encourages you to reflect back on the relationships in your life and think on who you may wish to rekindle with. Enjoy this month, it will pass by too quickly if you do not cherish it.
Scorpio is still on top of their game when it comes to their health. If you are looking to adopt any more health habits or quit an addiction or vice, now is the time to do so. Otherwise, your health is still relatively stable. It might be a good idea to travel overseas at this time as you may never have a better health opportunity to. Enjoy this bounty of good health all the same, use it to help you get through this month and spend it most on your family.
The Four of Cups signify a rather stable and steady month in terms of income and finances. However, it is also rather stagnant. The Four of Cups is a stable card, with little ups or downs. So while there are no major conflicts or problems, there may not be many opportunities for you to make a windfall or bring in anything extra to your bank. Still, enjoy this period o stability. Aim to budget and accumulate your savings so that you are better off and more readily able to invest and pursue your financial ventures next month.
Lucky Dates: 2nd, 3rd, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: Turquoise

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Page of Cups
This is a busy and hectic month for Sagittarius. There always seemed to be something new for you to do or take care of in your career. This is not a bad thing though, as you enjoy being busy and always having something on your plate. The Page of Cups signifies that there will be many new contacts or business partnerships established this month. However, Sagittarius must be careful as it can be easy to become overwhelmed. The Page of Cups is young and can be prone to being careless or making small mistakes. These can add up, so ensure that you always double back and check through everything. This extra diligence will pay off in the long run.
Things seem really quiet when it comes to love. This doesn’t mean that things aren’t going well, rather that you are taking your romance life quite easy. The Page of Cups encourages you to adopt this easy going, optimistic outlook more openly. There is no need to rush or worry. Both attached and single Sagittarius find themselves in a period of contentment now. Where they are happy with what is around them. Attached Sagittarius should consider spending more times with their loved ones to indulge in this satisfaction. Even if you choose not to go out on some wild adventure, you will find a good evening spent at home is just as wonderful this month.
The Page of Cups brings the message of stable health this month, however if they do not take care of themselves, they will feel weaker than usual. Sagittarians who have been suffering from chronic ailments; such as muscles aches, allergies or pain, will find some relief this month. These symptoms will all be much less common. Sagittarians who do not suffer from these ailments, will find that they are unlikely to fall ill or get injured this month. However, this does not mean you should start taking too many risks or pushing past your limit. The Page of Cups is easy going in its energy and encourages you to do the same.
Finances and wealth at the start of the month will be slow and stable, and will improve and get better as the month goes on. Majority of your wealth will come from your career income. Keep an eye out for several windfalls throughout this month. The Page of Cups blesses Sagittarius with more luck this month. However, do not carelessly squander this good fortune. Sagittarians can get a bit carried away when their luck is on the up. Remember to budget your expenses properly and consider adding more to your savings this month.
Lucky Dates: 17th, 18th, 26th, 27th
Lucky Color: Seaweed Green

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Nine of Cups
Capricorns give their all to their work and careers this month. The most business minded sign of all the Zodiacs, Capricorn is here to prove their worth. Luckily, the universe is here to encourage you and your drive. With the power of the Nine of Cups guiding you this month, everything seems to be going your way. Disputes and conflicts are being settled, obstacles overcome, and unexpected support offered. This is not just handed to you, rather it is a result of all the hard work and dedication that you put into pursuing your goals and advancing down the path of your career. Do your best this month, Capricorn!
The Nine of Cups can signify a home that is almost complete. However, this doesn’t always mean that the household life is positive. On the contrary, Capricorns may find their current home life to be stifling. Most of their attention and energy will be focused on their careers, leaving very little time for affection towards your family and loved ones. Single Capricorns embarking on new relationships will find luck this month, however, as there is a chance for you to break out of your normal routine. Attached Capricorns should consider taking some time off to spend with their loved doing things they do not normally do to spice things up.
Capricorns feel on top of their game during this month. It feels like they are on a roll and absolutely nothing can stop them. However, they must be careful. As even a small nail in the road can disrupt their entire flow and movement. Make sure you keep moving forward and don’t let yourself become bogged down by insignificant details. Your perfectionist nature may cause you to stress over unnecessary details. This can bring down your entire mood and make you physically prone to illness or chronic muscle aches. Drink plenty of water and consider keeping a consistent wake up time.
Most of your income will come from your career and some side line business. There is a chance you may receive a promotion that increases your pay or a bonus this month. Otherwise, your wealth looks to remain stable, without much change for better or worse. Enjoy this period of stability, you will be able to focus your energy on other areas of your life without worrying about finance. Keep up any good budgeting habits you have gained from last month and move forward slowly. You need not worry too much about investment as off yet.
Lucky Dates: 2nd, 3rd, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: Golden Yellow

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb Ten of Wands
Rest assured that this is going to be a busy month for Aquarius. The Ten of Wands signals that there is going to be a lot on your plate. Luckily, most things will be positive, such as new business relations, projects and even physical expansion and outreach. However, it can become difficult to manage everything. Aquarius is at danger of running out of steam and becoming unproductive. You must learn to assign work accordingly but ensure that you leave room to be flexible incase anything new crops up on your plate. Also remember to double check all your work as you may be prone to carelessness, which will only delay you further.
Love may be a bit of a stressful agenda this month. This is because you are in the process of changing and reorganizing your life. While necessary, these changes can lead to unwanted stress amongst you and your loved ones. It may be changes to your house, life or career that spills over into your love and social life. Take care to soothe your loved ones that it is only a transitionary period. Single Aquarians may find they have little time to actively pursue romance. However, instead they are making preparations to get themselves ready to reenter the dating world. Learn to be patient until you feel ready once more.
The Ten of Wands give you a burst of energy to ensure that you can tackle every task or obstacle that comes your way. However, this energy can have your burning out fast if you aren’t careful. Learn to pace yourself. As long as you can avoid a burnout, your health looks to be fairly stable this month. Avoid temptations such as junk food or skipping out on your health routines and you should be able to breeze through this month with little problem. Your good health will be one of the things that help you get through this month.
There is not much in the cards in terms of finances this month. It is a stable month for most zodiac signs, with little trouble or big windfalls. Aquarius will still earn a decent income and can benefit from any previous investments or financial ventures set up. If you are looking to take a loan, it can be beneficial to consult or seek out financial help from your friends and family before you go to a bank. Those more experienced than you can offer potentially helpful advice this month.
Lucky Dates: 12th, 13th, 27th, 28th
Lucky Color: Amber Red

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Nine of Wands
Pisces is still working on building their foundations when it comes to their career. Now is a very important time to solidify your business relationships. Consider reaching out to those you know to seek out their advice or support. They will help you whenever you feel you have entered a rough patch or are met with delays while trying to build your foundations. The Nine of Wands warns that you must be ready for whatever is to come. Conflicts in the workplace are possible and it is important you stand your ground and do not let yourself become sidetracked by them while pursuing your goals.
This is a good time for single Pisces. You are ready to really put yourself out there and fight for what you want. Get ready for some bright sparks in your romance. Attached Pisces may embark on some big change of pace or break out of their routines in order to add some spice to their routines. Now is the time for you to start taking charge and making your relationships fun again. Trips with family or friends are encouraged this month if you can fit it in. Relationships are starting to grow stronger.
Pisces are hunkered down, preparing for many things in their career and love lives. This leaves little time for them to focus on self-care or their physical health. Thus, they must be careful as they may not have the energy or strength to spread themselves any further. Remember not to strain yourself. It is important to take breaks and ensure you have proper hobbies to take on. There is still a lot in store for you in the rest of the year, so it is best that you do not fall ill now. Ensure you get 7 hours of sleep and avoid damp or overly hot places. Keep your body temperature regulated and consider drinking more herbal or flower teas.
Things are looking stable now. The Nine of Wands advises that something is just around the corner for you, and you must prepare yourself and your finances when the time comes. This means ensure that you have enough savings to execute future financial decisions readily when the opportunity arises. Otherwise, there is little in store for this month, so you do not have to worry about your finances too much. There may be some small expenses dealing with family, but they will not make a big impact this month. Enjoy this stable period.
Lucky Dates: 11th, 12th, 24th, 25th
Lucky Color: Woody Red