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Writer's pictureStephanie Kek

Astro Tarot Forecast for July 2023

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Page of Cups


A Full Moon enters your 10th house of work and career from the 4th of this month onwards. Alongside the Page of Cups, it is important that Aries try to put their best foot forward this month. Like the Page, you may find yourself starting from the beginning again, as you deal with different administrative matters or obstacles that threaten to trip you up. Not all issues will be strictly work related, as the Page of Cups also needs to watch out for gossip or negative attention from others. Don’t worry though, things will get easier towards the second half of the month. In the meanwhile, keep your head down and avoid stirring any drama with your coworkers.


The Page of Cups is a card that sticks closer to their feelings and emotions, and this month, it draws many Aries’ attention towards their household and families. Some may even take a break from work to focus on their personal life, as there are many different improvements or changes that you may be trying to make. Taking a break this month is also a good way to recharge your batteries and strengthen relationships with loved ones. This is a wonderful harmonious and loving month and you should seek to nurture and encourage those around you. Avoid being more affection and less overly critical this month and things will be smooth.


The Page of Cups warns you against bad habits or putting too much stress on your body. It is important to employ a bit more caution this month and avoid taking risks. Prioritize your wellbeing by going for a checkup or ensuring that you are stocked up on any medication that you might need. Your mental and emotional health are especially important this month, so avoid putting too much strain on yourself. Aries may be prone to being a workaholic this month, and while your effort is commendable, remember that it is important to take breaks in order to rest and relax yourself.


Aries can breathe a sigh of relief when it comes to their finances this month. All your hard work and perseverance pays off in the form of steady and reliable income. Some Aries may even be able to look forward to some bonuses or windfalls through this month. Your expenses are also fairly predictable. However, the stress that this month can bring to some Aries may cause them to be stingy or too strict on their budget. Learn to enjoy yourself a little and don’t be afraid to indulge in those you care about. Remember that money is not the most important thing in life.

Lucky Dates: 2nd, 11th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Baby Blue

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Queen of Cups


The Queen of Cups sits a bit restlessly on her throne with month. While she is not fiery or overstimulated, she does survey her land and is eager to make positive changes and improvements. This is what empowers Taurians this month as you seek to improve things in your workplace, be it strengthening ties with partners or starting on future plans and projects. The universe is on your side so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. However, take some caution come the 21st of this month as your home planet, Venus, begins to retrograde which may cause some unforeseen issues or delays. Prepare for those coming days so you can take on a more hands off approach when the time comes.


The fiery and ambitious Mars enters your 5th house of romance and relationships from the 11th of this month onwards. Its outgoing energy combined with that of the Queen of Cups promises you that this will be a stimulating and exciting month. You may be able to expand your social network and even strengthen existing ties. However, be cautious about letting too much of Mar’s burning energy affect you, as it can be easy to feel restless or easily irritated this month. Take a breath whenever you feel yourself getting heated and try to put yourselves in the shoes of other people. You will find solutions more readily with compromise than arguments.


The Queen of Cups signals that Taurians are ready to take on whatever obstacle in order to meet their goals this month. Your energy and strength are nearly boundless and you are at a peak of your health. However, it can be easy to take for granted this prosperous time and overindulge yourself. Sometimes, Taurians have a habit of taking in excess of what they really need. It is important that you learn to pace yourself and also keep up healthy habits and exercise routines. Learn about your limits and know when to step back and control your urges. If you know you are weak to temptation, try to avoid it all together.


Taurians don’t’ need to worry much about their finances and wealth this month. Other areas of your life require more hands-on attention and your finances are fairly stable. Both expenses and income are rather predictable and remain low as long as you stick to your budget and monetary goals. There may be a small dry spell, but it is not anything you might notice if you are busy with other things. Don’t worry, wealth will come to you soon, but for now, the Queen of Cups urges you to focus elsewhere and ensure the other areas of your life are stable so you can enjoy your future success.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 12th, 17th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Sapphire Blue

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun 0 The Fool

The Fool card steps forward with their head held high when it comes to their work and career. Geminis can look forward to receiving some praise or commendation for their efforts this month. However, while you enjoy the positivity at work, remember that The Fool still needs to be cautious about where he steps next. Do not become too blind to any budding issues or conflicts that may arise over time. The future may throw sudden unexpected obstacles at you and you need to be ready. Ensure you double check all documents and agreements before signing them. Take precautions to avoid being careless.


The strong and dominant Mars enters your 4th house of home and family from the 11th of this month onwards. Its ambitious energy combined with the good-natured optimism of The Fool card signal that Geminis may be involved with some big personal project or plan this month. You are excited and ready to embark on a new journey forward. However, The Fool card cautions you not to just barrel ahead, but also take into account the feelings of those around you. While The Fool means well, he can sometimes be insensitive to others which can lead to conflicts or arguments. Take a breath and try to think through your actions beforehand.


The Fool cautions all Gemini, both young and old, to take care of their bodies and prioritize their health. It can be easy to take for granted periods of good health, and it is important to always try to develop good health habits. If you have not been taking care of yourself, you may face some small consequences that try to urge you into living a healthier lifestyle now. Listen to your body and don’t neglect your physical, mental or emotional health. This might be a good time to do your research or consult your doctor to find out what works best for you.


While The Fool can be careless and brash at times, there is no denying the positive and optimistic energy that be brings to any situations. That is especially true of your finances this month, as many Gemini may see a boost in their income. This may come in the form of bonuses, from your side projects or even as a gift from those around you. As always, take note of any debts you have to anyone and ensure you pay them back in a timely fashion. Otherwise, enjoy this prosperous and wealthy month ahead.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 13th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Sunny Yellow

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups signals that Cancerians have a wide variety of options when it comes to their career and working life. Many opportunities are opening up for you early in the month and you should take advantage of this. Cancerians may also be given some spotlight at work for their efforts and perseverance. However, take care not to bask in it too long, as towards the end of the month some issues may arise between subordinates and superiors. Try your best not to get caught up in any arguments, but if you do, then exercise patience and calm in order to see through any situation to the end.


A Full Moon enters your 7th house of relationships and sharing from the 4th of this month onwards. The clarity its energy provides you alongside the Seven of Cups signals that Cancerians may be dealt with a complex hand this month when it comes to your relationships and familial ties. This can be a tricky month to navigate through, but you will feel much better when you are able to unwind any tangled threads and restore some harmony to your household. Remember to keep your cool and avoid giving into heated emotions. You are a rock that others will rely on and you need to remain collected and steady during this period.


The Seven of Cups advises that you be hyper aware of your body and its needs. This can be quite an overstimulating month, so many Cancerians may find themselves needing more breaks or longer periods to rest and recharge. However, as long as you can pay attention to these smaller details, you should have little to worry about overall this month. At the same time, don’t take for granted any periods of good health, as you may be still prone to carelessness. Always second guess your actions and think before you partake in anything that is potentially risky or reckless.


This month, Cancerians may feel as if their financial status is a bit of a yoyo. It may be hard to find a stable trend this month and Cancerians may find their expenses increasing unexpectedly. While more often than not, this will be out of necessity, it is important you still take proper measure to ensure your budget is in place. Despite the highs and lows of this month, Cancerians should not face anything that is too serious in the long run. So keep your head up high and look forward to times when your finances become more stable and predictable.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 12th, 17th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Pale Pink

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands advises many Leos to consider taking a break from work in order to enjoy some time with their family. Those who are workaholics or cannot step back from their careers may find themselves having to put out a lot of fires this month. While it can be stressful, you do still may good progress with every issue that you manage to solve. Those who are in it for the long run, must learn to keep their chin ups and avoid getting too bogged down by any workloads. Remember to take small breaks and not bite off more than you can chew. If possible try to assign some workload to others in order to alleviate the burden off yourself.


Leos who have decided to take a step back from work can avoid the rat race of their careers for a little while, however, the Ten of Wands promises that you still have a lot of issues to try and solve when it comes to your persona life. While it may seem that the universe is trying to trip you at every step this month, sometimes it is trying to tell you to take a step back and reflect on yourself. If you cannot change your environment so easily, then ask how you can change your attitude towards things in order to help improve your current situation. Things will get better over time even if you are at your lowest, so don’t give up.


With all the stimulation and events that are going on this month, it is completely understandable if Leos are feeling drained or tired. Your normal energy levels have been lowered and you shouldn’t feel bad about having to rest more or take longer breaks. Your body needs the downtime in order to recharge. Your mental and emotional health are important as well, so take care not to neglect those two aspects of your health. If you are feeling backed into a corner, try to take a step back and get away from everything for a while. Take some time to yourself to enjoy your hobbies or pursue what makes you happy.


Mars enters your 2nd house of wealth and income from the 11th of this month onwards. Its fiery energy may intensify the stressor that the Ten of Wands warns you about this month. Leos should be prepared to face increased expenses or old debts that are finally resurfacing. While this can be a stressful time, ultimately, you knew you would have to deal with any financial burdens someday. Now is the time to finally sort things out and straighten everything out. Look forward to some small windfalls or bonuses that will help you reach your goals this month.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 13th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Ruby Red

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Page of Wands

The fiery and ambitious Mars enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 11th of this month. Together with the youthful energy and passion of the Page of Wands, Virgos are ready to throw themselves into the working world to tackle even the hardest problem that comes their way. However, be sure to temper this fiery energy, especially when you are trying to resolve any conflicts or disagreements. Sometimes it is better to step back, rather than try to force people to see your point of view as well. It is important for Virgos to know when to stand their ground this month, and when it is better to let sleeping dogs lie.


The Page of Wands is a youthful and passionate card, but sometimes their passions can lead to intense discussions which can then become arguments or conflicts. It is important that you learn to temper the flame that this card can bring, and aim to cool down any heated talks. At the same time though, if you find yourself eager to provoke those around you or start conflict, then it is important to reevaluate your relationships in order to see if this is really the healthiest way to deal with them. Try to be patient and more empathetic to those around you this month. Taking a second to think through your words can save you a lot of headaches in future.


Virgos have little to worry about at the start when it comes to their health. Despite the obstacles that this month throws at you, the Page of Wands is young and full of energy. You are able to tackle most anything without feeling too drained or tired. However, remember that the Page of Wand is still a relatively young card and its excessive amounts of energy cannot last forever. Towards the end of the month, you may start feeling a bit more lethargic after having used up a lot of your energy reserves. Remember that you take care to rest when your body needs it and pay attention to any symptoms of tiredness that your body may show.


Virgos may have to be a bit thriftier this month when it comes to their finances and spending. There are many things going on in your life this month and you may find yourself having to spend money in order to find a solution. However, if you find yourself having to make repeated expenditures of the same time, it may help to try and weed out the root of a problem rather than fixing it in the short term. As long as you keep on your toes and remain vigilant and observant this month, you can get past this period having grown wiser about managing your finances.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 12th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Light Orange

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Three of Pentacles

Libras may face a bit of a challenging time at work, especially when it comes to work relationships or issues between you and those under you. The Three of Pentacles signals that Libras should try to keep things pleasant and avoid conflict, however, you should be aware of the ongoings in the workplace. It is never good to be caught off guard, so keep one ear to the ground to know if anyone may be trying to go against you. Keep striving forward as things will get easier over time. Once you get over this difficult hump, you will be able to see the fruits of your labor over the horizon.


A Full Moon enters your 4th house of home and family from the 4th of this month onwards. Its energy combined with the social nature of the Three of Pentacles encourages Libras to give some more attention to the important areas of your personal life this month. You may not have time to address every conflict and issue that pops up, so it’s important you learn to prioritize the most pressing matters first. It can be easy to start bickering over ideals or how to take care of family this month. Try not to escalate any conflicts and tackle all issues with the idea of compromise. Things will improve in future months.


The Three of Pentacles blesses you with good and stable energy levels. Libras don’t have to fear getting ill easily this month, as you tackle all the different obstacles that may come your way. The universe is giving you all the energy you need to succeed, so ensure that you take full advantage of it. At the same time, don’t take this positive time for granted and ensure that you still take steps to protect your health and overall wellbeing.


The Three of Pentacles gives you further blessings when it comes to your overall wealth and finances. Despite the challenges that you may face at work, you can count on a steady and reliable income. While you may face some increased expenditure, likely related to your personal life, you will not be affected too heavily by it in the long run. While you may not be able to make the great profits that you hope to see this month, you can make it through without too much trouble. Look forward to future months where you can truly start achieving the financial goals that you have set for yourself.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 12th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Pastel Green

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov III The Empress


The Empress signals that this could be a very fruitful and important time for Scorpios at work. Now is a vital time to ensure that you grow and let your network flourish as people may be crucial to your achieving your goals this month. However, do not let yourself be washed over by the whims of others. Learn where to stand your ground and where to nurture the ideas and talents of others. Maintain a good balance and the universe will help deliver opportunities and resources to you. Be patient and watch the fruits of your labor grow over time. You will be able to harvest your success in due time.


The fiery and dominant Mars enters your 11th house of friendships and humanitarianism from the 11th of this month onwards. Its energy might clash with the more nurturing and feminine energy of The Empress card, which can lead to some chaos and panic this month. However, the Empress still strives to remind you to be patient and do all you can to resolve any issues or conflicts. However, sometimes taking a step back from a situation and letting it simmer might be the best choice of action. Choose your course of action wisely and always prioritize your own emotional wellbeing in the long run.


The Empress, unsurprisingly, blesses you with stable health and good energy levels this month. It is also a card that emphasizes Scorpio’s natural magnetism and beauty, which may have many people drawn to you this month. While your physical health is in good shape, remember to also take measures to safeguard and take care of your mental and emotional health. Allow yourself to blossom this month and take a step back if you feel yourself getting too stressed or feeling too bogged down by various stressors.


The Empress card is an earthly card and naturally has ties to material goods and wealth. With its energy on your side this month, Scorpios can expect a more prosperous and financially stable month. Some Scorpios can expect to receive a promotion or raise this month, while most can expect some small windfalls throughout the month. At the same time, your expenses are mostly predictable and low, allowing you to enjoy your extra savings and profit this month. As always, put aside any extra savings for future rainy days.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 12th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Emerald Green

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles continues to follow you into this month. As always, it warns the feisty Sagittarius against being too hasty at work. You will have to learn to temper yourself to properly sort out any issues that may crop up this month. There is a lot of administrative work that Sagittarians may have to deal with this month, which can be quite frustrating due to their slow nature of resolution. This might be a good time for some Sagittarians to consider taking a break off work this month, especially if they unable to tolerate the slower pace of things. It will be more stimulating towards the end of the month.


Many Sagittarians may find their attention drawn towards their home and personal life this month. Things are looking peaceful and harmonious at home. However, the Four of Pentacles cautions Sagittarians not to become too content, as things may start to fall apart in the last few days of the month. Although issues can be hard to spot when they first arise, you should remain vigilant and try to recognise any troubling signs before they fully escalate. It is important that you also prioritize your overall wellbeing and reflect on your wants and needs this month. As long as you are aware of yourself and others, you can keep the peace all the way till the end of the month.


You are still recovering from all the energy that you have used up in previous months. As always, the Four of Pentacles continues to remind you to take good care of yourself by getting enough rest and avoiding bad habits. Sagittarians may start to feel a bit restless this month, but remember not to push yourself. Finding a balanced and healthy routine to follow will be important for your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, so consider organizing your schedule a bit more for sake of your own health. Your usual energy levels and energetic spirit will come back to you soon.


While Sagittarians can expect a strong and steady income, you may find yourself having to keep to a tighter budget due to high expenditures or fees that you have to pay. In the long run, it won’t hurt you financially too much, but you may have to bear with living on a budget for a little while. Things will get better in time, so just ensure you properly organize your wealth and stick to your financial plans.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 12th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Pine Green

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan King of Wands


A Full Moon enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 4th of this month onwards. The clarity that this planet brings alongside the fiery ambition of the King of Wands promises that Capricorns start off this month with a blaze. Things are finally starting to turn around for you in your workplace, relationships with colleagues start to improve and most of your decisions will turn out successful this month. However, remember that fire can only burn bright for so long, and towards the end of the month you will have to be prepared to deal with unexpected obstacles or conflicts that result out of miscommunication. Be vigilant and always have a failsafe planned ahead for yourself.


This month, a few signs may consider stepping away from work to focus on their family and personal lives. Capricorn is one such sign that may consider withdrawing from the rat race in order to strengthen then bonds between you and your loved ones. The King of Wands boosts your efforts in smoothing over any conflicts or tackling issues. However, be cautious as the King of Wands can also easily stir them up again when he gets heated. Take a breath and use all that passionate energy into nurturing your loved ones or improving yourself. Avoid making any major decisions during this time while your emotions are more intense. Wait until you have a cooler head.


Capricorns are fairly busy this month. The King of Wands has lined up many different activities for you and while it does fuel you with enough energy to tackle them all, you may still find yourself drained at the end of it. It is alright to take some time to yourself and recharge your physical and social batteries. Dealing with issues and people can be tiring even if they are fulfilling in the end. Take a moment to breathe and don’t stress yourself out. Most importantly, be careful not to make any reckless or careless decisions this month when you are not up to your mental game.


Your finances will take a bit of a backseat to other areas of your life this month. Capricorns are busy dealing with other factors such as their work and personal lives. Things will be smooth in the beginning months, and Capricorns will have little to worry about when it comes to their finances. However, towards the end of the month when Capricorns start facing more issues in their work or personal life, they may find themselves having to increased their expenditure in order to deal with these problems. Therefore, try to build up a good nest egg that will help see you through to the end of the month.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 13th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Scarlet Red

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb XIII Death

The Death card signals that there are about to be some major changes in your work environment or career that will keep Aquarians occupied for the majority of this month. This may come in the form of many different things, such as company restructuring or expansion of the business. All hands will need to be on deck during this time as everyone, including you, gets used to the new changes and settles into the new work environment. Once everything has settled though, Aquarians will still need to be ready to deal with any fallout or conflicts that arise due to these sudden changes. It is normal for tensions to rise after such a thing, so be prepared and patient to help smooth over any disagreements. Do your own research instead of taking things at face value.


The dominant and feisty Mars enters your 8th house of merger and intimacy from the 11th of this month onwards. Coupled with the major Death card, Aquarians may find much of their focus is on their family and personal lives as you may be making major decisions this month, or handling some major issues that have been left alone for too long. This can be quite a heated time and Aquarians need to learn to keep their cool and stop petty issues from escalating into bigger arguments. Take a step back to look at conflicts as they arise. Often times, you will realize there is a deeper issue at hand or that the disagreement is actually quite small in the first place.


Aquarians may be coming down from a high of energy from last month. The Death card provides a more mellowed energy because of all the different issues and conflicts that you may have to tackle this month. It is normal to find yourself drained, so don’t be afraid to take breaks and take some time to gather yourself and recharge your batteries. Try to prioritize your wellbeing this month and don’t be afraid to pamper or treat yourself every so often to get rid of the stress that may be weighing you down. There is nothing wrong with focusing on yourself, so ensure you do that from time to time this month.


Last month’s good luck continues on partway into this month when it comes to Aquarian’s finances and overall wealth. Money continues to flow in steadily and Aquarians can look forward to some small windfalls throughout the month. However, remember to still budget accordingly or set aside any savings, as things may become tighter towards the end of the month where more issues might crop up in your career or work. As long as you are aware the everything works in a cycle of prosperous and less prosperous periods, you will be able to prepare to tackle any financial issues that come your way.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 12th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Pure White

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles signals that this may be a tough period of work for Pisces who feel constrained by their job. The universe encourages Pisceans who have lost the spark for their career to take a step back and recharge this month if possible. If you must work this month, then try to keep your head down and keep expectations from getting too high. Try to avoid getting involved in any workplace conflict or drama and do your best to ensure your work is up to parr. Play your cards close to your chest and work on building a strong foundation for yourself before you seek to help anyone else.


Mars enters your 7th house of relationships and equality from the 11th of this month onwards. Coupled with the stress that the Five of Pentacles brings to your career, many Pisceans will find a safe and harmonious sanctuary in their home with their loved ones. Now might be a good time to go on a short holiday or visit old friends and family to renew and strengthen any old ties. You may surprise yourself with how much you can grow your social network this month. However, be cautious as towards the end of the month, energies for many zodiac signs start to dip as conflicts begin to arise. Take a deep breath and be sympathetic to them. It can be hard to get to the root of the issue right away so just support them while they release their excess energy.


There isn’t too much to say for your overall health and wellbeing this month. The Five of Pentacles warns you to be careful about your emotional and mental health, but your physical health is overall healthy. Your energy levels are average, but not low, so you will have to take regular breaks as always, but don’t need to worry about burn out or over exhaustion as long as you don’t push your limits too much. In the beginning of the month, there is also a magnetic charm and charisma that you should try to take advantage of when speaking to others.


This month brings you a mixed bag when it comes to your finances and overall wealth. You may have some small windfalls, but may also face some increased finances, often related to your personal or social life. The Five of Pentacles signals that you should organize your finances and try to put a stricter budget on your overall spending in the coming months, however, there shouldn’t be anything that affects you too majorly this month. Things will slowly improve in future so keep an optimistic outlook.

Lucky Dates: 8th, 13th, 18th, 31st

Lucky Colour: Sunflower Yellow

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