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Astro Tarot Forecast for June 2023

Writer's picture: Stephanie KekStephanie Kek

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr XVII The Star


The Star card encourages Aries to let go of any past hangups or worries that may be hounding you at work. Now is the time to move forward and start jumping on new opportunities and ventures. This may prove to be a very stimulating month, so you will have to be on your feet as you deal with new issues or obstacles that crop up in your way. However, the Star fuels you with the motivation and energy to tackle anything in your way, so don’t be disheartened. As long as you remain vigilant and avoid becoming too content, you will be able to spot any problems before they fester for too long. Your attentiveness helps to ensure that things run as they should under your watchful eye. People will be sure to take notice of you for your efforts.


The planet of passionate love and nurture, Venus, moves from your 4th house to your 5th house of love and romance from the 6th of this month onwards. This energetic planet combined with the healing energies of The Star card signals that this month, Aries are very self-assured and confident in their goals. While your jovial and straightforwardness can help improve many relationships, remember that Venus is a planet about both positive and negative passions. Any arguments with loved ones may also be amplified this month, and it is important you learn to prioritize your relationships above all else. Be tactful and empathetic this month and you will be able to navigate through it.


The Stars card naturally promises you good health and a strong immune system this month. Aries may feel a new burst of energy this month that motivates them to pursue their goals and ambitions to the fullest degree. Take advantage of this month, however, be cautious as Aries can be quite reckless when they are health and energized. Always think twice before you make a decision and avoid unnecessary risk. A moment of forethought can save you a lot of trouble and regret in future. Other than that, enjoy this month and all the blessings it has to give you.


The Stars continue to shine brightly on your overall finances and wealth. The effort and dedication you have put into your career or other financial projects is starting to pay out this month. Many Aries can rely on a steady and dependable income, as well as look forward to future bonuses or windfalls throughout this month. While some of your good fortune may be offset by increased expenses, you will find that are often related to your family or personal life and come from a place of joy or happiness. All the same, keep some of your extra savings for future rainy days, just so you always have something to fall back on during hard times.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 16th, 29th

Lucky Colour: Starry Yellow

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May XIV Temperance


Taurians have a clear vision and goal this month, as signaled by the Temperance card. Its energy suggests you have found a careful balance with all your responsibilities and ambitions, but you should be careful as anything can upset this harmony at any moment. Taurians will have to watch for those who may be jealous of your success and the new opportunities that come your way. You are on the edge of a whole new world or chapter of your life where you can watch your career truly blossom. So, employ an extra air of caution and do your research instead of taking anything at face value. This can be a bit of a fragile time, so just ensure you are not too hasty, but also that you do not leg behind too much. Timing is important this month.


Venus, Taurian’s home planet, makes its way into your 4th house of home and family from the 6th of this month onwards. Its nurturing energies promise Taurians a progressive and fruitful time in their home life. Single Taurians have an opportunity to meet someone new this month, however, Temperance cautions that the scales of the relationships can tip into any direction at any point; resulting in a short-lived passionate flame or one that may blossom in the long run. Remember to trust both your heart and your head to ensure the best outcomes for yourself. Otherwise, this is a passionate and wildly romantic month that you should enjoy no matter the outcome.


Temperance grants some stability to your overall health and wellbeing, so Taurians need not worry too much this month. The stars are blessing you with the energy to pursue your goals, as well as tackle any issues or obstacles that crop up your way this month. Your physical health is excellent, but you may have to take a bit more caution with your mental and emotional health as this can be quite a stimulating month. Ensure that you always have someone you can trust and release your feelings to, and avoid bottling up any emotions until you burst. Prioritize your emotional wellbeing and things should turn out well this month.


Taurians can breathe a sigh of relief when it comes to their wealth and finances this month. Temperance promises that the scales will tip favourably in your favour when it comes to earnings from work or financial projects. Despite any obstacles at work, you can look forward to some bonuses or windfalls this month. You can expect positive financial growth this month, and you shouldn’t be afraid to pamper yourself with a trip overseas or somewhere out of your local area. As always though, keep some of your extra earnings as savings for future rainy days.

Lucky Dates: 6th, 10th, 12th, 17th

Lucky Colour: Pale Blue

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups signals that this is somewhat of a new chapter when it comes to work for many Gemini. Many Gemini may find themselves either taking on higher positions or more responsibilities at work. Being a young card, the Ace of Cups signals that you may face new issues or problems that you have not had to deal with before, but you should trust in yourself and your talents. This is your opportunity to show how well and quickly you can adapt to a new environment and tackle issues that you have not had before. Treat this as both a learning opportunity and a chance to showoff your skills overall. This can be a prosperous month as long as you are up to the challenge.


Venus enters your 3rd house of communication and social interaction from the 6th of this month onwards. Its sociable energies combined with the new opportunities brought by the Ace of Cups leaves many Gemini in a thoughtful mood at the start of this month. You may be reevaluating your overall relationships, household or personal life in general. Now is the time to take the steps to improve your surrounding or relationships in order to bring your personal life to the next level. Your relationships, in the meanwhile, are flourishing, especially those abroad. Now is a good time to reconnect with old friends or start new connections with the kind of people that you aspire to be in future.


The Ace of Cups signals that your mental and emotional health are quite high this month, but your physical health might leave something to be desired. It is not surprising if you find yourself with lower energy levels this month or less motivation in general. This is a periodical down period that every sign eventually goes through, even the most energetic of signs. Don’t be afraid to take it a bit easier this month. Ensure you get enough rest and avoid overtaxing yourself. Pay attention to your body and any signs of potential burnout. As long as you are attentive to your health, you should avoid falling ill this month.


Geminis will continue to find that other areas of their life are more stimulating and enriched by the energy of the Ace of Cups. While your finances will continue to take a backseat this month. There is nothing major nor too unexpected in the cards this month. Everything tends to be as predicted; both income and expenses. So, you can breathe a sigh of relief and take on a more hands-off approach to your finances and financial projects this month. Be patient, you will be able to do more in this area in the future months. For now, enjoy this month and all that it has to offer you.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 19th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Azure Blue

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul I The Magician

The Magician gives Cancerians a new motivation when it comes to their work and career. There are suddenly a lot of new resources and connections that are popping up that you can make use of. However, you have to be careful as the Magician can also signal somebody who wants to take advantage of your success by tricking you. So be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true. Always double check your contracts and avoid jumping into any opportunity without doing proper research and risk assessment. There are many doors opening up for you this month, just ensure you sort out the good from the bad and make smart choices.


It is important you pay as much attention to your family and personal life as you do your work and career. The Magician suggests that there is also a lot of stimulating activities happening in this area. It also encourages you to reconnect with old friends or relatives, however, be cautious as relationships close to you may be going through a difficult period. It is just a particularly sensitive time for you, and it can be easy to vent out frustrations or be too blunt with your feelings around those who are closest to you. So, make sure you take into account the feelings of others. Be aware of those around you and all should be well this month.


A Full Moon makes its way into your 6th house of health and fitness from the 4th of this month onwards. Its energy, alongside the power of The Magician, brings new mental clarity and energy for you this month, however, your physical health might experience a bit of a drain. There are many stimulating activities calling for your attention now, and it’s understandable if your overall physical energy is low. Now is a good time to take a break or use up your vacation hours to spend some time with your loved ones. Take things easy and make sure you vent any stress in a healthy manner.


The Magician knows that he has to cast a wide net in order to find success at times, and not every venture will pan out. So, get used to the highs and lows that this month is bound to bring you financially. Watch out for some increased expenditures and make sure that you are taking calculated risks and doing your research beforehand. As always, be wary of opportunities that are too good to be true. While this isn’t the best of months, you should still be able to repay some old loans or debts, so be grateful for the good things that you manage to accomplish.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 6th, 12th, 20th

Lucky Colour: Rich Lavender

5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles signals that Leos will be caught up in a lot of negotiations and potential deals this month. This can range from contracts with business partners to even your own contractual negotiation of responsibilities and workload. The Six of Pentacles encourages you to strike a balance between how much you give and how much you take. Know your worth, and don’t be greedy or too modest. Remember that your talents and skills are valued, and you should know how to strike a fair price for both your and your partners. Try to keep your head down towards the end of the month, as there is more tension in the workplace and feelings may become sensitive.


Venus, the planet of passion and love, makes its way into your 1st house of self and expression from the 6th of this month onwards. Its nurturing energies combined with that of the Six of Pentacles signals that your family and loved ones will be a great source of comfort that you can turn to. Though a lot of your time may be taken up by your new responsibilities at work, it is important to spend some time with your loved ones and work on strengthening your relationships. Things will keep moving forward, and you can’t put your personal life on pause, so ensure you pay attention to those who pay attention to you.


The Six of Pentacles promises you stable health, however, you should be careful about over-exhausting yourself. The Six of Pentacles cautions you to be careful about how much of yourself you give away, as it can be easy to bite off more than you can chew and risk burning out. Remember that not everything needs to be a race to the finish line, and you can take some time to take a break and smell the roses. Pace yourself accordingly and try to maintain a proper schedule that affords you some time off every now and then. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to rely on your loved ones.


The Six of Pentacles can be both a generous card, but also one that takes as much as it gives. Leos can expect their finances to follow this trend this month. As while you may have some windfalls or extra bonuses, they might be offset by increased expenditures. Focus on maintaining a balanced financial portfolio. If you continue to be thrifty and budget your expenses accordingly, you may even come out on top this month. That being said, do not be too worried as you are likely still heavily focused on your career. Just ensure that you keep one eye on your finances to make sure everything stays in order.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 6th, 12th, 16th

Lucky Colour: Auburn Orange

6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Six of Swords

The Six of Swords signals that your career and work may finally be starting to take off this month. There is a high chance that you levy on existing relationships with overseas or external contacts or that you form new connections with these kinds of people. The Six of Swords suggests you may be making decisions to move to calmer waters or seek your fortunes elsewhere if you don’t feel appreciated enough in your current line of work. Embrace whatever decision you choose to make and don’t be afraid to rely on others to help you get by any difficult periods. The most important thing is that you keep your eyes on the horizon and keeping sailing your ship forward.


A Full Moon enters your 3rd house of socialness and communication from the 4th of this month onwards. Its energy brings a new clarity and perspective to your personal life. Combined with the Six of Swords, it cautions you that new changes or transformations are about to take place around you. Issues that have been left to fester may be finally coming to a head this month, and you will to deal with the consequences of inaction. Don’t be afraid to rely on your friends for support, but remember that it is ultimately up to you to make any choices to strengthen or let go of any relationships. There is no simple outcome, so just try to do what is best for you.


Despite any obstacles or trials that this month puts you through, Virgos are feeling healthy and energized this month. The Six of Sword is a healing card, as it moves away from stormy seas into the calmer waters. Any illnesses or aches that may have been afflicting you may finally come under control this month. Your energy levels are also starting to stabilize, allowing you to pursue your ambitions without too much worry. This is overall a happy and healthy month, so take advantage of it to the fullest. However, remember that your mental and emotional health are just as if not more important than your physical wellbeing.


After last month’s tighter budget, Virgos can relax a little more this month. Remember the Six of Swords is all about moving forward into easier waters, and you can count on having a less stressful time when it comes to your overall expenses and incomes. There maybe some windfalls related to your career that you can look forward to this month, however, regardless, you will have a steady and dependable income you can fall back on. There may be some small increased in the amount of expenses, but the overall cost will not be too much. Most of them will be small and related to necessary fees.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 19th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Light Lilac

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct Three of Cups

The Three of Cups signals that Libra will have to deal with a lot of people and people-matters this month. This may come in the form of negotiations or dealmaking, but the Three of Cups signals you can expect something positive to come out of these meetings. It is important you work towards harmony and working as a team, rather than pushing for conflict or argument. It is important to smooth over any misunderstandings and ensure that lines of communication are clear. Do not be a pushover, but learn when to compromise and when to sit down and speak things out more frankly in order to get to the root of any issues.


The planet of love, Venus, enters your 11th house of friendships and groups on the 6th of this month onwards. Its nurturing tendencies mixed with the cheerful and celebratory nature of the Three of Cups signals that Libras will be quite occupied with their home and family life. Any issues that maybe weighing down your relationships will finally come to a head this month, and Libras may have to make some tough decisions. Weigh the pros and cons of all outcomes and ask yourself where your priorities lie. Remember that you should always put your own mental and emotional health first, but also consider the feelings of those around you. Sometimes being honest with your loved ones is the only way forward.


The Three of Cups is a happy card that loves being around people, but it can also be a bit reckless with its health when its in a party mood. While there is nothing too serious if you have been keeping a consistent eye on your health, this month brings up some ways that you could improve your health habits even more. Keep an open mind and remember not to put off taking care of yourself. Your own overall wellbeing is most important and shouldn’t be swept to the side. Look up ways that you can enjoy your lifestyle, while also taking care of your body.


Libras can continue to enjoy their monetary success this month. The Three of Cups signals that Libras can especially count on the financial support of those around you. Your loved ones will want to share their good fortune with you, however, remember not to take advantage of anyone and always pay back any goodwill that you receive from others. At the same time, there may be those looking towards you for monetary help. While there is nothing wrong with helping out a friend or family member, remember to draw a line in the sand and protect yourself and your assets in the end. It can help preserve your friendships in the long run as well.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 12th, 16th, 19th

Lucky Colour: Baby Blue

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov VI The Lovers


Last month started many Scorpios on an encouraging work path. This month, the nurturing planet, Venus enters your 10th house of career and work from the 6th of this month onwards. Its energy combined with the empathetic nature of The Lovers card, signals that Scorpios need to learn to keep an eye on their connections and potential connections this month when it comes to your career. Even if you are a solo player, you will have to learn to get along with others in order to achieve your full potential this month. At the same time, it pays to be prudent and safeguard yourself by getting agreements or negotiations in writing, even if you know your work colleagues or business partners don’t have ill intentions.


The Lovers card is concerned with new milestones or progressing forward in your current relationships and personal life. This may be a time where Scorpios look to either commit, renew commitments or make some major changes for themselves in the long run. No matter the case, try to embrace change as it comes and steer yourself into a positive direction. Single Scorpios, especially, should see this as a powerful and advantageous time to put themselves out there to grow and bolster their current social network. At the same time though, remember change isn’t always about experiencing something entirely new, you may find equal happiness in pursuing old flames or speaking to someone from your past.


Your life is full of stimulation this month, and while you are hyped up to spend your energy, the universe may have other plans for you. The Lovers card advises you to slow down, and that your options will always be available for you even if you take a short rest or break. It can be easy to be overwhelmed or pulled too thin this month, so be careful with your scheduling. Don’t overestimate your energy and learn to listen to your body when it needs rest. Sometimes, simply getting away from the hustle for a few short hours will improve both your mood and energy levels immensely.


The Lovers card signals that you may experience some increased expenses, often coming from your personal or family life. All you can do is shrug and try your best to pay them off as they come. This is completely normal, so don’t worry. While your financial income is not yet where it should be, you can expect your hard work and effort to pay off in later months. For now, learn to budget accordingly and make sure you note down your overall financial outlets. Keeping track of all your expenditure and savings can help calm you down, but also give you a clearer view on how to go about with future projects.

Lucky Dates: 7th, 12th, 16th, 29th

Lucky Colour: Scarlet Red

9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec Four of Pentacles

A Full Moon enters your 1st house of self and attitude from the 4th of this month onwards. Its energy gives you a newfound clarity and perspective when it comes to your working life. There is a high chance you may encounter fresh faces in your workplace or industry this month. This month can be a rush of activity and opportunities, but the Four of Pentacles advises you not to be too hasty. Jump on opportunities as they come, but only after you have made sure you can truly fit in a project into your busy schedule or that you are equipped to handle a new task or responsibility. Do a bit of research and you will be able to take on the best work for yourself.


Sagittarians may find themselves favouring their working life over their personal or social lives this month. The Four of Pentacles indicates that this may be a bit of a closed off period. While there is nothing wrong with wanting your space or time to do your own hobby or work, understand that there is a stronger likelihood of conflict or arguments. Sometimes distance can even be useful in making the heart grow fonder. Learn when you need to step away from a situation just to focus on yourself. While close relationships may be experiencing a bit of conflict this month, this is a good time to rekindle with distant relatives or meet old friends again.


The Four of Pentacles can be a bit of a reclusive card, that is sensitive to the changes around them. The normally energetic Sagittarians needs to listen to its advice and slow down a little this month. Your energy needs time to recharge and some healthy living can help bolster your health even if you are a bit under the weather this month. Try not to spend too much time in front of electronics and aim to do more activities out in nature. Most importantly, take things slowly and go at your own pace in order to not overstrain your body.


The Four of Pentacles is a card that is heavily concerned with wealth management. This month, it blesses Sagittarians with a steady income. There may be some major windfalls or bonuses you can look forward to this month. Sharp Sagittarians may be even able to look forward a possible promotion or raise if they play their cards right. While this is a prosperous time, remember not to recklessly spend your money. Put any savings into a rainy day fund and continue to try budgeting accordingly to avoid facing any issues in future.

Lucky Dates: 12th, 17th, 19th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Earthy Brown

10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan Nine of Swords


Last month’s Mercury’s retrograde may have left many Capricorns feeling paranoid or vulnerable as they reenter the work force this month. The Nine of Swords advises you not to give into your fears or worries. If you do feel lacking in any area, then do your best to prepare for the different possibilities that you may face. While this month does call for your attention, try not to get too sucked into fixing other people’s problems or becoming too much of a micro-manager. Do your best, but learn to take a step back every now and then, and trust that other people can handle themselves with your gentle guidance.


Venus, the planet of love and passion, enters your 8th house of intimacy and mergers from the 6th of this month. Its energetic passions along the more cautious energy of the Nine of Swords, advises Capricorns to be careful about their work life bleeding into their personal home life. Learn to draw a line of separation between the two and focus your attention on nurturing and caring for those in your family. This isn’t an easy month, as many conflicts or issues may becoming to a final conclusion this month. While no resolution will be easy, learn to navigate the road ahead of you by communicating openly with your loved ones and trusting your gut instincts.


Many Capricorns are coming down from an energetic high of last month. The storm is over and things are starting to calm down, including your energy levels. The Nine of Swords encourages you to take it easier this month. If you are worried about your lower stamina, remember that you had to deal with a lot in the past month and it is perfectly normal for you to be tired. This is a time for recovery, so do not fight against it by testing your limits too harshly. Learn to listen to your body when it needs rest. Work on cementing healthy habits and learn to enjoy what is already around you.


Capricorns will have to continue to pay special attention to their income and overall finances. The Nine of Swords suggests that this month brings its fair share of potential financial issues you will have to tackle and deal with. Capricorns can expect increased expenses, most of which may be related to your family or personal life. It is important that you are not careless when budgeting or accounting for your overall expenses. As this is a recovery month, it can be easy for the normal eagle-eyed Capricorn to make a mistake. So ensure you double check all your documents and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 6th, 12th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Bubblegum Pink

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb VIII Strength

The Strength card signals that this month, Aquarians will need to be at attention and ready to fight for what they want when it comes to their careers. This does not mean being aggressive, though you should stand your ground, but rather that you will may be busy with a multitude of different issues that all require your attention. You will have to lead the pack this month by setting good examples and striving to be a good role model to others. It is not easy and you may run into your fair share of conflicts or arguments, but your efforts may eventually pay off for you if you stick to it enough. However, there is nothing wrong with taking a break during this period to focus on other urgent matters of your life.


Venus, the nurturing planet of love, draws your attention to your home life as it enters your 7th house of relationships and equality from the 6th of this month onwards. Many Aquarians may choose to focus the bulk of their attention on their household and family. You will be able to make great progress this month into getting things just how you want them in your home. However, it is not all smooth as Aquarians may find many of their relationships being tested by tough or complex situations. Take a breath and try not to escalate any disagreements. The Strength cards advises that you be firm, but gentle and understanding in your approach to things. Stand your ground, but also learn to be patient and nurturing.


The Strength card helps to bolster your energy levels and refocus your goals and ambitions this month. While this is a mentally and emotionally draining month with all it’s different activities, The Strength card promises to help you weather any storm. Your physical health is at its peak now and you can bravely venture forward without worrying about your overall health this month. However, avoid being reckless with your wellbeing, as even all the luck in the world will not save you from a brash and impulsive attitude. Build up good health habits, so you can preserve this period of good health for as long as possible.


Money flows freely both in and out of Aquarian’s wallets this month. While you can expect some small windfalls or bonuses, you should also expect some increased expenditures this month. Don’t be too worried though, as you will likely be spending on your loved ones, your own personal projects or even renovations around your household. Just ensure that you plan ahead and budget your expenses accordingly to avoid any unpleasant surprises. As long as you can keep on top of everything and know what is happening to your finances, you will be able to come through this month without a scratch.

Lucky Dates: 3rd, 6th, 12th, 28th

Lucky Colour: Pale Scarlet

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles brings a breath of fresh air to many Pisceans in the workplace. You may have felt that things were going a bit stale lately, but now they are starting to pick up. Pisceans may be concerned with new projects or reigniting the fire in old ones. There is also a high chance to strengthen or renew some old connections this month. However, remember that the Ace of Pentacles is starting back at the beginning again, and you may face issues especially related to uncooperative colleagues or someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Avoid getting caught up in workplace drama and play your cards close to your chest.


Your home life is as stimulating as your work life. The Ace of Pentacles suggests that you may be busy with different projects or changes concerning your household. Its familial energy also encourages you to spend more time enjoying the company of your loved ones. This is a good time to strengthen ties within your family unit or even with faraway relatives. Cherish the time that you have with others, especially those that look up to you to nurture and guide them. Build up strong foundations for all your relationships and you can be rest assured that they will be able to weather any storm in future. Enjoy this harmonious and wonderful time.


Venus, the passionate planet, enters your 6th house of health and fitness this month from the 6th of this month. Its energies combined with the youthful excited nature of the young Ace of Pentacles promises that Pisceans have all the energy to tackle this month. There is little chance of you falling ill, however, you should exercise some caution. All this extra energy might leave you being a little reckless. While your immune system may be strengthened this month, it cannot save you if you make careless mistakes. So, take a moment to second guess your actions before you do them and all will be fine this month.


Finances will continue to be stable this month. Pisceans can look forward to trying to lower their overall expenses this month, and have a steady income that they can depend on. Overall, you will not have to do much when it comes to your financial wellbeing. Things are smooth this month and all your hard work and effort is paying off. So, sit back, relax and don’t be afraid to pamper you or your loved ones a little with your good fortune. And as always, remember to set aside any extra savings for rainy days.

Lucky Dates: 2rd, 7th, 16th, 29th

Lucky Colour: Golden Yellow



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