1 Aries - 21 Mar to 19 Apr Six of Wands
Aries’ home planet, Mars, enters your 1st house of self and attitude at the beginning of this month. It’s feisty and ambitious nature combined with the victorious energy of the Six of Wands promises a fortune filled period when it comes to your work and career. This is a good time to push towards your goals, whether it’d be expanding the business or your network of partners and resources. The Six of Wands greatly encourages you to rely on others if you need aid and not see this as a solo venture. This is a lucky time for all working Aries so make the most of it and don’t waste any opportunities that you have to shine.
The Six of Wands continues to promise prosperity and fortune in your personal and social life, but only if you are able to work with your loved ones as a unit. Luckily, the stars are encouraging more harmony and peace in the household this month. This is a good time for big projects or for new milestones in your life. The stars also encourage you to reach out to distant relatives or try to reconnect with old friends. This is also a time for much social growth or achievement of personal growth, so do not take this period for granted.
The Six of Wands is an active and energetic card, but also one that can be prone to overindulgence when with others. It’s normal to celebrate your milestones and victories, but be careful of going over your limits. Watch your diet and avoid overly sugary, salty or starchy foods. Eat in moderation and exercise regularly so that you remain fit and avoid any issues related to your weight or overall appetite. Still, don’t’ be afraid to enjoy yourself every now and then. The key to health is finding a good balance for yourself.
Mars’ ambitious energy fuels you as it takes center stage in your 1st house of self and attitude at the beginning of this month. Combined with the lucky nature of the Six of Wands, Aries are on a winning streak where they’re meeting all their financial goals and beyond. Your career is the most important area of your life as you are likely to see high profits or even receive a promotion at your current job. Your loved ones are also quite keen to help you financially if you need it, though you should remember to repay their generosity at a later date. Continue thriving this month and remember to set aside any extra for future rainy days.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 20th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Orangey Red
2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 20 May Queen of Wands
A New Moon rises into Taurus’ 1st house of self and attitude from the 8th of this month onwards. It’s rejuvenating energy combined with the ambition and drive of the Queen of Wands promises the start of a new and exciting period of your life. When it comes to your career and work, things are progressing along quite fast. There will be various matters that require your attention, and you may find yourself taking charge of more responsibilities or new branches of your work. Overall, all the changes in your career will likely be positive, but you must keep on your toes to be able to keep up with everything in your busy career.
There is a lot of buzz around your personal and social life. The Queen of Wands indicates that certain milestones or big decisions are coming up, that you will have to sit down and discuss with your loved ones. While nothing is coming to fruition yet, now is a good time to start crafting your plans forward. However, be cautious of taking advice from those who do not fully know your current situation. There may be people looking to take advantage of you or lead you down the wrong path this month, so trust your gut and use good judgement when meeting others. Otherwise, enjoy the time you spend with your loved ones.
The Queen of Wands is a strong and energetic card. Your immune system and overall health is good this month, and Taurians do not have to worry about falling ill easily. The New Moon in your 1st house of self and attitude from the 8th of this month onwards encourages you to focus on your outward reputation and appearance. Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself or spend some effort on ensuring you are always looking your best no matter what situation. First impressions are very important this month and you should make sure that you are not only healthy, but that your outward image is positive.
The Queen of Wands assures you that you are likely to meet your financial goals this month, while maintaining a stable and healthy financial foundation for yourself. Taurians can rely on a steady income from their work, and can expect some bonuses throughout the month to help supplement or bolster your overall wealth. As always, keep your expenses low and try to plan and budget ahead. There are unlikely to be any major surprises this month, so you can rest easy. If you have anything extra leftover from this month, make sure that you are saving it for future rainy days, but don’t be afraid to treat yourself from time to time.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 20th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Emerald Green
3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun VIII Strength
The Strength card signals that Geminis may be taking on more responsibilities or roles this month. Things are moving fast and those who have been at their careers a while may be making decision with the big leagues. This is likely new territory for you and you will need to learn to adapt to new environments and overcome new obstacles. It will not be an easy task to make this adjustment, but it will all be worth it in the future. Ensure you are up to date with the latest trends or business practices and learn to keep up with all the new innovations that come your way. This is a pivotal time in your career so make the most of it.
The fiery and feisty planet Mars enters your 11th house of friendship and social groups from the 1st of this month. Its nature combined with the Strength card promises an exciting, but also busy period for your personal and social life. There may be some important milestones in your household or some projects that you are finally wrapping up. Single Gemini have the chance to spark a new romance towards the end of the month, while attached Gemini will find that the household is more harmonious. As long as both partners are willing to talk and understand one another, conflicts are also likely to be resolved quickly this month. Enjoy this wonderful and exciting time.
The Strength card is a very enduring card, but even the strongest warrior has their limits. This month is full of different activities and projects to keep you busy, so it’s normal to feel tired or burnt out at the end of the day. The important thing is to learn to step back and take breaks when you can. Strength can also encourage you to control your emotions and not let your temper get the better of you when you’re tired, hungry or just not feeling very well. Take care of yourself and things will fall in place much easier for you.
The Strength card helps to bolster your finances this month, through all your hard work, effort and perseverance. Geminis can look forward to additional sources of income from their various projects or investments. Loved ones are also looking to help support you financially if you need it, though you must remember to pay back their generosity in future. Try to keep your overall expenses low this month, to make the most out of your income. And remember to save any extras for future rainy days.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 20th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Bright Red
4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 22 Jul Two of Pentacles
Mars enters your 10th house of career and work from the beginning of this month onwards. Combined with the energy of the Two of Pentacles, many Cancerians may find themselves taking a trip out of their usual work place to negotiate deals or network and strengthen your relationships with business partners. This is an exciting time for you as things are moving forward steadily and there are many paths of success that you can go down. The Two of Pentacles does caution you that this is a delicate time though, and you need to make sure that you are not making any decisions carelessly.
The Two of Pentacles signals that you will be quite busy this month, but the stars promise that it will be because of many positive occurrences in your daily life. Cancerians will be surrounded by their friends and families this month, and have a chance to rekindle and strength any old relationships that may have fallen off in the years. Now is a good time to travel or expand your current network of friendships. While it is uncertain if anything will remain permanent this month, you should enjoy the time for what it is and learn to cherish those that impact you positively. Embrace this time and live out your happiness.
Despite how busy you are, the stars give you a lot of energy to juggle the different activities and projects that the Two of Pentacles has handed you. However, you should be careful about burning through this energy too fast. It can be easy to neglect your wellbeing and overall health while you are riding on a high, but always remember to prioritize it and take care of yourself when you are in a low period. You may be more prone to falling ill at the end of the month, so be cautious about doing anything that risks your health. Things will start to look better for your health after any periods of illness.
The Two of Pentacles indicates that your finances aren’t quite as steady this month. You may be juggling between spending and earning in order to find a good balance for your overall stability. While your work income promises to be more stable, you will have to be careful about underestimating your budgets and expenses. Things will start to pick up by next month, so as long as you can hold steady this month and not tip the scales to either one extreme, your finances will be alright.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 15th, 20th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Pale Green
5 Leo - 23 Jul to 22 Aug Eight of Cups
A New Moon enters your 10th house of work and career from the 8th of this month onwards; granting new clarity about the path ahead for many Leos. Combined with the energy of the Eight of Cups, there are many new opportunities opening up for you, and it is time to reflect about your current position and responsibilities. Many Leos might consider moving onto greener pastures in their line of career, while others will choose to climb the corporate ladder this month. Ultimately, you need to decide if you are happy where you are and getting the treatment that your work ethic and leadership deserve.
For Leos who have been feeling stagnant or defeated in their relationships, the Eight of Cups presents a time for you to reflect and look back at the different decisions that have led you here. You are yet again at a crossroads, where you need to decide what relationships are still worth pursuing and what relationships you may have to cut off for your own wellbeing. Do not be hasty with any decisions, but do not let fantasies cloud your mind. Be practical and always prioritize your own self first. Those who are not going through these rocky patches may find themselves supporting family members who are, so be patient and treat them with the respect that you would give yourself.
Despite the difficult decisions you have to make this month, the stars have blessed you with an abundance of energy and wit. The Eight of Cups gives you both the strength and mental fortitude to see your choices through and make the move elsewhere if necessary. Your physical health is also looking good this month, meaning Leos have little to worry about when it comes to falling ill or under the weather this month. However, Leos must be careful about keeping their tempers in check as all this extra energy can easily turn to agitation in the wrong scenarios. Keep a cool head when you encounter problems and take a step back if you need to calm yourself during decision making.
May promises many blessings when it comes to your finances and overall wealth. Many of your projects or investments are coming to fruition this month. There is a high chance for a promotion or raise as long as you pursue them, meaning a chance for an overall increase in your income to help support and keep you afloat. Many Leos can also look forward to potential windfalls or bonuses dotted throughout the month, however, remember to still do your research when considering potential investments.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 20th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Baby Blue
6 Virgo - 23 Aug to 22 Sept Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is an intelligent and calculative card. Any setbacks that may have plagued you before are finally losing their influence. Now is a good time to expand your business or hop onto new projects for a fresh start. The Queen of Swords encourages you to use knowledge as your main weapon this month. Study the current market trends and professional habits that you can slowly work into your own routine. While they may be new or fresh now, there is a high chance they will be habits that remain with you in the long run. It is also a good time to start researching and building your skills and general knowledge.
Mars enters your 8th house of intimacy and mergers from the 1st of this month onwards. Its dominant energy agitated by the Queen of Sword’s sometimes harsh judgements might provoke some arguments or conflicts in your personal life this month. Despite this, it is important to have a united front and try to resolve arguments in your own personal time. Your partner cannot read your mind, so always be upfront and honest about your intention or feelings. Often times, you will realize that communication is the key to resolving most issues. Single Virgos might strike a new passionate romance this month, though only time will tell if it stands the test of time.
The Queen of Swords sits high on her throne with little to worry about thanks to her successful health routine. This month, you are blessed with her wisdom and resistance and do not have to fear falling ill. However, you must also learn to cultivate good habits and avoid the temptations of laziness or a bad diet. Most importantly, make sure that you look as good as you feel. People will naturally be attracted to your glowing self confidence and charm, so make the most of it this month. Enjoy all that the universe is blessing you with.
Things are starting to improve from last month, but the Queen of Swords encourages you not to be too hasty. It is important you remain practical about your finances and keep your budget accordingly. Things will slowly speed up over time, but now is not yet a good period for you to make any big financial decisions. There may be some small windfalls throughout this month that you can look forward to. Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself every now and then, but ensure that you are also saving any excess wealth for future rainy days.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 19th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Sharp Silver
7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct XIV Temperance
The Temperance card advises you to balance your different projects this month in order for you to focus on the larger picture. This is a time all about managing the smaller details so that you have a stronger platform to make bigger moves on. The tide of things is slowly tuning your way, so be patient and continue pushing for progress along the way. You may not be exactly where you want to be at the end of the month, but you will be much closer than before. So don’t feel disheartened about it, Temperance encourages you not to rush ahead and not to be too reckless overall. Enjoy this month for what its worth.
Mars enters your 7th house of relationships and sharing from the 1st of this month. Its dominant and fiery energy tempered by the softer and more balanced energy of the Temperance card promises that there are going to be some massive waves in your personal and social life. This might come in the form of household renovations, relationship milestones or family trips abroad. Things are likely to turn out positive as long as you keep an open mind. Single Libras have a chance to start a new relationship, be it romantic or platonic. Likely they will be people that will leave a long lasting impression on you.
The Temperance card encourages you to take things easier this month as your energy levels are not quite where they used to be. While your life is currently full of different positives, they are taking up a lot of your time and attention and it is natural to feel tired or exhausted come the end of the day. So don’t be too hard on yourself, take all the time you need to rest and recover your energy. Your overall heal and wellbeing is stable, but ensure you are getting enough rest and not running over your current energy levels.
This month is fairly neutral when it comes to your finances and overall wealth. Though Libras may still see some favorable windfalls or bonuses throughout this month, either from your investments or largely from those who are supporting you. Temperance encourages you to be generous, but also practical with any added income. Save what you can, but don’t be afraid to repay back any kindness that your friends or family have showed you prior. Otherwise, enjoy this month for what it is.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 19th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Pale White
8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 21 Nov II The High Priestess
The High Priestess is a mature, though sometimes mysterious card, that can lend a listening ear to those in need, but ultimately will make the best decision based on the facts and the resources at her disposal. Scorpios will need to embody her values this month and avoid being swayed by biases or pre judgements. Exercise your wit wisely, especially if you are moving forward with any business expansion or new career moves this month. If a situation seems too stressful to deal with now, the High Priestess also encourages you to find time away from your career to focus your energy on more productive matters.
Scorpios may have to turn to their loved ones when it comes to leading their family. While the High Priestess is wise beyond her years, she also knows when to sit back and let someone capable take the reigns. Trust in your loved ones to help guide your family towards harmony and happiness. Single Scorpios may wish to consider putting themselves back out there as there is a high chance to spark a new romance or find closure in an old relationship that hadn’t properly ended. Those with families may find themselves spending more time with their children or parents. Encourage these bonds and strive for compromise when arguments arise.
Your immune system is relatively strong this month, and you don’t have to worry about falling ill, but the High Priestess points suggests that your mental and emotional health will need more attention this month. No doubt, the High Priestess is a busy woman and many Scorpios may feel that they are stretched a bit thin this month. Make sure that you are not pushing your limits or over-exhausting yourself. Take things easy where you can and make sure you have plenty of breaks for yourself.
Money may be a bit of a sore spot for Scorpios this month as there are many areas of your life that will require you to increase your expenses. This may range from your business needing to expand or requiring extra funds for projects all the way to your family or loved ones needing some financial support from you. This month will not leave you completely dry though, the High Priestess promises that you will still receive some small bonuses or compensation to help you get through this month. Be thrifty with your money and do your best to avoid going overbudget. Things will start to improve more in future months.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 15th, 20th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Stark White
9 Sagittarius - 22 Nov to 21 Dec IV The Emperor
The Emperor is a strong and authoritative card that you need to embody to reach success in your career this month. Remember that being a leader isn’t just about making decisions, but also fostering a cohesive and capable team that can help bolster the entire project. It is likely that Sagittarians will take on more responsibility this month, but still have to prioritize teamwork and keeping everybody in harmony. As long as you keep the qualities of good leaders in mind, then you can make a lot of progress with your work. However, don’t expect that you will just be able to sit back and watch your success grow, this month will require you to be heavily hands on and part of the field.
The fiery and ambitious Mars enters your 5th house of romance and love from the start of this month. Its energy combined with the similarly authoritative of The Emperor card encourages all Sagittarians to put their best foot forward this month. Prioritize yourself and your happiness, but do not let your temper get the better of you. Resolve to set your ambitions to finding peace and happiness with your relationships and those around you. All this fiery energy can be channelled into something positive that you can use to help broaden your horizons or pull you out of any dark places you may have found yourself in. Keep your chin up and enjoy what this month will bring your way.
While Sagittarians are usually hardy and energetic, this month, the Emperor may have burnt you out due to all the energy and time you’ve had to spend towards your working or home life. While this month encourages you to be optimistic, understand that you do not always have to keep a smile on your face if you are feeling fatigued or tired. When you feel yourself starting to hit a wall, or if your energy levels are getting low, then it is best to take a break to stop and smell the roses. The best thing to do is to get away from your current situation to focus on your mental and emotional health. Keep this in mind throughout the month.
Your hard work and effort is paying off this month, as The Emperor card promises an equal and worth reward in return. Past achievements may still be paying out for you and there are various small bonuses and windfalls that you can look forward to this month. Those who work by commission might find some extra income coming your way. Most importantly, your expenses are expected to be low this month and you should strive to keep it that way.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 19th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Scarlet Red
10 Capricorn - 22 Dec to 19 Jan V The Hierophant
The Hierophant card encourages Capricorns to give their all in their work and career this month. The path ahead is quite clear cut and you will have to play by the rules of the game, but you should be able to find a way to use them to your advantage. The Hierophant is a very traditional card that Capricorns feel comfortable following the advice of for the most part, however, it also means alongside traditional work, there should be traditional relaxation and reward. So, make sure that you are not overworking yourself and taking enough time off to focus on other areas of your life this month.
From the 1st of this month onwards, the fiery Mars enters your 4th house of home and family. Combined with the more traditionalistic energy of the Hierophant, many Capricorns may find that their household is in ideal harmony and peace this month. Your family members are making strides in their life and will wish to celebrate their accomplishments at home, while relations to relatives or distant family are slowly strengthening. Both single and attached Capricorns should try to pursue a more romantic attitude this month. It may surprise you how well people are receptive to it.
Capricorns are doing quite well this month, as the Hierophant bolsters your overall health and wellbeing with a lot of energy. Your immune system is overall strengthened and you do not need to worry about falling ill or under the weather. Make the most of this time by socializing or meeting new people, as your good health and confidence radiate in your appearance and charm. People are naturally attracted to you, so don’t let this precious period go to waste. Enjoy this month to the fullest of your ability.
The Hierophant signals that you may be spending more this month, but it will either be on necessities or big purchases that you were always planning to make. There is a lot of financial support and generosity from your loved ones, however, you should still try your best to budget and save accordingly. The Hierophant promises you won’t find yourself too deep in any debt, but you should still make it easier on yourself by saving whatever excess that you can. There is a chance of a surprise windfall this month, so test your luck safely.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 15th, 19th, 24th
Lucky Colour: Soul Blue
11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb X Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortunes is turning unfavorable situations into your favor this month. Aquarians should be able to start settling any conflicts or disagreements, or closing out projects that have overstayed their welcome. This does not mean that it is all smooth sailing, however, as there is a lot of hard work and effort needed to tie everything up. If you do not feel prepared to tackle all the responsibilities and project work, then this is also a good time for you to take some time away from work to focus on other areas of your life. Just remember that you will still need to deal with all your work when you return back to your career.
Mars enters your 3rd house of communication and socialness from the 1st of this month onwards. Its strong fiery energy combined with the ever-turning energy of the Wheel of Fortune, means that there is a likely a state of change or movement going on in your home life. Nothing is standing stagnant this month and you will need to be on your toes to keep up with the new trends or routines that are influencing your familial life. Luckily, you will find a support from your loved ones in this busy month. Ensure that you are supporting them as much as they are supporting you. There is also a high chance for single Aquarians to spark a new romance this month.
Aquarians are blessed when it comes to their health this month as they have strong immune systems and good energy levels. However, the Wheel of fortunes warns that your health can take a turn if you are not careful with it. This month, Aquarians may feel themselves more tempted to stray from their good health routines or set diets. While pampering yourself every once in a while, is good, avoid overindulging too much. Most importantly, do not stress yourself out too much as this can also make you more tempted to dive into junk foods or sugar treats.
Your finances continue to be relatively stable this month as you make progress in other areas of your life. The Wheel of Fortune suggests that you will have support from different areas of your life, especially from your friends or family. There is also a chance for some windfalls or bonuses throughout the month, in the form of completed projects or various sales that you have made as you declutter your environment. Enjoy this month’s stability and look forward to future months where you can make bigger moves for yourself financially.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 14th, 19th, 23rd
Lucky Colour: Lavender Purple
12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar XIX The Sun
The Sun shines brightly on your path forward in your career this month. The spotlight is on Pisces and it is up to you to make sure that you shine to those around you. A lot of your projects may be closing out, meaning that you can sit back and bask in the benefits they bring you. However, don’t be too complacent. Make sure that you are still forging ahead and pursuing your career ambitions. People will be drawn towards your ideas, so make sure you build up a good network of support this month. As long as you put yourself out there, then things will surely turn up positively for you.
The Sun continues to shine brightly on your personal and home life. Any major renovations, household projects or milestones that you may have been pursuing are finally nearing their completion. That doesn’t mean that you’ll be any less busy though, as there is much to stimulate and keep you occupied this month. Those who are single and looking have a chance to meet someone new this month. Whether this is a romantic connection or a platonic one, it is sure to have a lasting impact on you. The stars also highly encourage travel and exploration this month.
Pisceans don’t need to worry about their health this month. The Sun is a strong and healthy card that bolsters your immune system and keeps your energy levels high. That being said, don’t be too reckless with all this energy. Sometimes it will pay off to be patient and let opportunities come to you instead of carelessly barreling ahead. Keep your limitations in mind and understand that everyone needs breaks here and there, regardless of how energetic they can be. Keep this in mind and your month will be quite smooth sailing.
Finances are another positive area for you this month, as your income is steady and reliable and your various investments or financial projects may be starting to pay out. Those who need a bit more help will find their friends, family and loved ones overflowing with support. Just remember to repay their generosity off when you are in a better situation. Enjoy this month, and as always, ensure that you are saving up any excess for your fortunes. The weather may be sunny now, but it pays to have an umbrella at hand for future rainy days, so make sure you are budgeting accordingly and keep your finances organized in this peak period.
Lucky Dates: 10th, 20th, 24th, 29th
Lucky Colour: Sunny Yellow